Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By MK Chris
I have seen what is apparently two massive spoilers, Dr Who geeks!

Ah well, you have all probably seen already, but I wanted to gloat to the people who care about it.
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By Ed Pummelon
I've seen a very spoilery picture on i09, it might be the same as what Topher is saying. This is the link, but be warned, if you don't want a spoiler, don't click. It's a picture and you can't avoid it.
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By MK Chris
Yeah, same thing.
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By Yudster
Hang on - how is revealing a couple of the people and characters who are apparently going to be in the last Tennant episode classed as a spoiler? Surely a spoiler has to at least give a heavy hint as to a plot or storyline. I mean this encourages you to make some guesses, but that's still all you can do.
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By MK Chris
I didn't class it as a spoiler, they did on their site... I just relayed the information.
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By Ed Pummelon
I don't know what the right definition for a spoiler is though? Does giving away plot qualify, but giving away characters not? I would have thought when you have recurring characters popping up from time to time, then giving away when one is coming back would spoil the surprise at least.
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By Yudster
Oooh, get you with your "don't shoot the messenger" foot stamping! Anyway, I was only asking. I don't understand such things.
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By MK Chris
I'll stamp my foot if I like, dammit! *stamps foot*

I would tend to agree with Ed on spoilers, but I'm not sure.
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By Yudster
I think the reason I am not clear about it is that actually spoilers don't bother me. Knowing something of the plot wouldn't spoil my enjoyment in the least so it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that something I thought was innocuous and unimportant might be a disaster for someone else to see.
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By Ed Pummelon
A spoiler is in the eye of the, er, viewer then. If it would spoil your enjoyment of the show, then it's a spoiler. If not, then it isn't. Seems fair enough.
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By Console
That's not the definition of a spoiler. Anything that reveals upcoming plot-lines is regarded as a spoiler.
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By Yudster
So is the definition of a spoiler "anything that reveals upcoming plot lines", or is that just something that people regard as a spoiler?
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By Lactating Man Nips
The clue's in the word surely - anything that could spoil enjoyment; plot, characters, locations etc. Why give anything away?

I once went to see 6th Sense in a multiplex. Somebody wandered into the theatre near the beginning from another film and shouted out "he's a ghost, he's a ghost!!" then boggered off out again. Two dads got up and gave chase.
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By Munki Bhoy
Yay, Doctor Who goes to Mong! Will he team up with Flash Gordon though?
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By Yudster
Depends how many hours there are left to save the world.
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By Console
Yudster wrote:So is the definition of a spoiler "anything that reveals upcoming plot lines"

Pretty much, yep.
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By Johnny 1989

The reason that picture is classed as a spoiler is because it does actually reveal the plot of what's coming up, for those who haven't clicked and don't want to know, SPOILERS FOLLOW


Dalton is dressed in Gallifreian clothing, worn by Time Lords on Gallifrey, especially if they are a member of the High Council. The fact that since the show's come back they've been banging on about the Doctor being "the last of the Time Lords" then it would be a rather huge spoiler for fans.

The last time they were seen was in The Ultimate Foe, which was the last story of the Season 23, when Colin Baker was the Doctor.

Looks like everything is changing next year then :D
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By Johnny 1989
charlalottie wrote:You do realise that if you click on new post, you see all of your post in the screen regardless?

:oops: No I didn't :lol:

Oh well, it'll end up in The Scum or the like soon enough :)
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By Mnesomeye
Oh, never mind. Stupid question. It's the newspaper whose sources are their cleaners. :P I wonder why people read that paper, anyway? :/
And, again, I'm sorry for lashing out at you guys like that. 'Kaaaaaay? xD I was on a rampage. And. There's no way to delete comments on this forum.

*looks under carpet*

Nope. I wish I was as pretty as her, though! *flails* Wahhhhh >.<
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