The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Yudster
Me too. Jesus hated religion as well.
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By foot-loose
English Bob wrote:How do you work that out? There has been absolutely no evidence at all to point to th existence of a god. Aside from some scribblings in books from ancient times, nothing. Atheists don't need to prove god doesn't exist as he's doing a good enough job of it by himself!

I don't "work it out" as such, I come to that conclusion because I dont think either me or you can answer some of the big questions.

How did the universe start? What created the molecules / particles (woteva) that made the big bang? What was here before them?

Scientists can answer, or at least make a bloody good guess at most things, but there are still some things which haven't been answered.

English Bob wrote:Haha! Must admit that made me laugh. I've already argued too much, I'll be quiet now. I don't try and enforce my atheism on others or mean to sound arrogant....religion just annoys me on a grand scale. Sorry.

On one hand, religion pisses me off something rotten as well, on the other it fascinates me. I've yet to meet anyone who I would describe as "religious" that annoys me. They tend to be quite calming individuals actually. What annoys me is when religion is used as an excuse for something else (war / violence / Celtic). And when people tell me I'm wrong. I've had long long arguements on the doorstep with various sects because of that line! I will state my opinion, I will question what others say, but I will never tell someone they are wrong - simply because how would I know?

I enjoy discussing it with people but I've never really talked about athiesm much, nor do I know much about it, hence the debate.
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By Munki Bhoy
I think all we ever prove with these arguments is that most Atheists are more set in their beliefs than your average religious nutcase.
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By Console
foot-loose wrote:Didn't we decide recently that being an atheist meant that you still had a belief?

No, we found out that some people don't understand the difference between believing something is false and not believing something is true.
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By foot-loose
Console wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Didn't we decide recently that being an atheist meant that you still had a belief?

No, we found out that some people don't understand the difference between believing something is false and not believing something is true.


Nicely put.
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By Yudster
Munki Bhoy wrote:I think all we ever prove with these arguments is that most Atheists are more set in their beliefs than your average religious nutcase.

That accepted, do you not think that the word "nutcase" is being used for the wrong group in tout post then?
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By Yudster
Tout? "your". I cannot type.
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By Yudster
Ah, you'll have a cup of tea now. You will. Ah, you will.
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By S4B
Oh! I have Mrs Doyle coming to do a talk about her books up at the library in July! Very excited about that.
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By Zoot
S4B wrote:Oh! I have Mrs Doyle coming to do a talk about her books up at the library in July! Very excited about that.

Really? that's wicked! She's alot younger than you think isn't she! Could you get her to sign your book "S4B. Read my book. Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on...."
By SteveJay2005
You can only applaud Chris for his honesty. But it’s true. He’s frank about how his Catholic upbringing led him to expect that church would be boring. He’s honest about how blown away he was by the service from Kingsgate Community Church in Peterborough and he and his team are honest about the fact that church does not need to be boring. Jesus Christ was far from boring!
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By Console
I'm sure that Jesus had those powers, too, and if not then I'm sure the stories can be rewritten to include them. He didn't have a weakness to Kryptonite, either; although, he did have a slight weakness to iron - never-mind, though, as one of his almighty powers allows him to resurrect himself. That's right, Jesus, and many other super-heroes, are far from boring.
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By Bonanzoid