Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
Yudster wrote:Its not one of my primary motivations - never has been.


What can be more primary than a lust for POWER?

Think carefully.

Answer intelligently.

What sayest thou?

[Moronic posting style changed]
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By Yudster
RESS wrote:Think carefully.

Answer intelligently.

I already did.

Listen carefully.

Stop repeating yourself,that only works when dealing with weak minded people.

Lactating Man Nips wrote:Hey RESS your website/blogspot just crashed my browser - don't click. It looked facistic. Pissoff.

It is fascist. Reactionary nonsense.
Lactating Man Nips wrote:Hey RESS your website/blogspot just crashed my browser - don't click. It looked facistic. Pissoff.


The RESS is counter-racist !

The website might be getting too popular and too busy this time of day with all the international interest in the RESS. Try later.
Yudster wrote:
RESS wrote:Think carefully.

Answer intelligently.

I already did.

Listen carefully.

Stop repeating yourself,that only works when dealing with weak minded people.

Lactating Man Nips wrote:Hey RESS your website/blogspot just crashed my browser - don't click. It looked facistic. Pissoff.

It is fascist. Reactionary nonsense.

Do you have a strong mind?

Are you powerful?

RESS is counter-racist.
The most powerful counter-racist network in the known world, possibly.

Are you IC1? (Police Code)
Topher wrote:Also - this is long - in fact it's four blog posts (with one more to come I think), but these are the sort of questions the media should be asking Griffin, rather than "why are you so racist" all the time:

Questions for the BNP: part one
Questions for the BNP: part two
Questions for the BNP: part three
Questions for the BNP: part four

BNP (British National Party) vs BNP (Black National Party)

Are their any BNP (British National Party) members here?


. . . . . . .POWER !

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POWER !

User avatar
By Zoot
I've only skimmed through your posts, but you should get a job as a kitchen utensil demonstrator, you'd be good at that.
User avatar
By Yudster
RESS wrote:RESS is counter-racist.
The most powerful counter-racist network in the known world, possibly.

Simply repeating things over and over again doesn't make them any less untrue.
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By jocky85
Zoot wrote:I've only skimmed through your posts, but you should get a job as a kitchen utensil demonstrator, you'd be good at that.

Or with all the shouting - Barry Scott's replacement??
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By MK Chris
I would like to think this person is just trying to stir up a bit of trouble by saying controversial things, but sadly I think he /she also goes into the category of pig-ignorant * moron.
User avatar
By Yudster
Delusional. Don't forget delusional.
I just googled RESS and came up with Realistic Equine Sculpture Society. I do hope our new young friend hasn't been horse bothering. Some unresolved issues from childhood perhaps?

Come on young'un, it's nothing to be ashamed off, we all need a friend when we're growing up. Just remember to look and not touch mmmok?
User avatar
By Yudster
Lactating Man Nips wrote:To be fair, RESS got the reaction he was after.

No he didn't. He was looking for outrage, argument and anger. He actually found a bit of sense.
Yudster wrote:
Lactating Man Nips wrote:To be fair, RESS got the reaction he was after.

No he didn't. He was looking for outrage, argument and anger. He actually found a bit of sense.

He got a REACTION - sensible or otherwise. You affirmed his reason to exist by just replying to him. Feeding the Troll.
User avatar
By Yudster
Yes I think he was, and as such our milky friend is absolutely right.
User avatar
By MK Chris
He didn't make that blog just to get a reaction from us.
Topher wrote:I would like to think this person is just trying to stir up a bit of trouble by saying controversial things, but sadly I think he /she also goes into the category of pig-ignorant * moron.


What is the difference between ignorance and pig-ignorance?

Think carefully.

Answer intelligently.

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