Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
Yudster wrote:Delusional. Don't forget delusional.


What is the delusion you speak of?

Think carefully.

Answer intelligently.

What say you?
Ed Pummelon wrote:I just googled RESS and came up with Realistic Equine Sculpture Society. I do hope our new young friend hasn't been horse bothering. Some unresolved issues from childhood perhaps?

Come on young'un, it's nothing to be ashamed off, we all need a friend when we're growing up. Just remember to look and not touch mmmok?


Lactating Man Nips wrote:To be fair, RESS got the reaction he was after.



Let's take another look at our lives from a different angle.
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By foot-loose
RESS wrote:Let's take another look at our lives from a different angle.

What is it you are actually banging on about? I don't understand. And don't answer my question with a question.
Lactating Man Nips wrote:
Yudster wrote:
Lactating Man Nips wrote:To be fair, RESS got the reaction he was after.

No he didn't. He was looking for outrage, argument and anger. He actually found a bit of sense.

He got a REACTION - sensible or otherwise. You affirmed his reason to exist by just replying to him. Feeding the Troll.


Perhaps people have been made aware of a Void in their lives.
Ed Pummelon wrote:Was he trolling?


What would Chris Moyles say?
foot-loose wrote:
RESS wrote:Let's take another look at our lives from a different angle.

What is it you are actually banging on about? I don't understand. And don't answer my question with a question.

BNP (British National Party) vs BNP (Black National Party)
RESS wrote:
foot-loose wrote:
RESS wrote:Let's take another look at our lives from a different angle.

What is it you are actually banging on about? I don't understand. And don't answer my question with a question.

BNP (British National Party) vs BNP (Black National Party)

And what's your point?
User avatar
By Zoot
foot-loose wrote:
RESS wrote:Let's take another look at our lives from a different angle.

What is it you are actually banging on about? I don't understand. And don't answer my question with a question.

See, what you do is type a buzz phrase in capitals, bold it, then follow it up with a random phrase that doesn't relate to anything and then a direct order. For example -


Lets jump on the historical bandwagon of Juxtaposition

What? He probably swoops forum to forum doing the same thing - probably from 4chan. I doubt he even believes any of it, but because it's contentious he can't fail to attract attention. I'm sure his brand of 'terrorism' doesn't extend beyond his keyboard. Strictly for the LULZ.
Lactating Man Nips wrote:What? He probably swoops forum to forum doing the same thing - probably from 4chan. I doubt he even believes any of it, but because it's contentious he can't fail to attract attention. I'm sure his brand of 'terrorism' doesn't extend beyond his keyboard. Strictly for the LULZ.



Let's be realistic, shall we?

What inspired you to mention that word?

Think carefully.

Answer intelligently.

What sayest thou? (What say you?)

Readers are advised to pay close attention to the reply if one is provided.
Ed Pummelon wrote:
Topher wrote:He didn't make that blog just to get a reaction from us.

Kind of what I was thinking.


The more thinking you do the more food for thought (Thoth) you need.

Do you know who Thoth is?
RESS wrote:
foot-loose wrote:
RESS wrote:BNP (British National Party) vs BNP (Black National Party)

And what's your point?

Have you read Topher's post on the subject?

"BNP" is not a point. Which of Tophers posts do you mean? Regardless of which post it is you are talking about, I know Tophers position on the BNP so seeing one of his specific posts is unlikely to change my understanding on what you're trying to say.

I've also now had a look at your website and it really doesn't make anything clearer, so I read the "about us" section which states:

"Race Equality Secret Service International Central Intelligence and CQB (Close Quarter Battle), Head Offices, Cloaked Twin Towers, London N15 and N18, England, United Kingdom" and is then followed by "The most powerful, groovy and truly magnanimous counter-white supremacist racist network in the known world, possibly.".

Frankly, this clears nothing up and the website seems to be nothing more than a collection of wikipedia links with some random racism chucked in for good meaasure (and several drawings of a pyramid). It looks like it was designed by FrontPage Express.

You state at the top of your site "The Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) would like to encourage open minded and honest debate". Ergo, I refer to my previous question... what's your point?

And apparently Thoth was some Egyptian bird god thing.
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