Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
foot-loose wrote:
RESS wrote:"BNP" is not a point. Which of Tophers posts do you mean? Regardless of which post it is you are talking about, I know Tophers position on the BNP so seeing one of his specific posts is unlikely to change my understanding on what you're trying to say.

I've also now had a look at your website and it really doesn't make anything clearer, so I read the "about us" section which states:

"Race Equality Secret Service International Central Intelligence and CQB (Close Quarter Battle), Head Offices, Cloaked Twin Towers, London N15 and N18, England, United Kingdom" and is then followed by "The most powerful, groovy and truly magnanimous counter-white supremacist racist network in the known world, possibly.".

Frankly, this clears nothing up and the website seems to be nothing more than a collection of wikipedia links with some random racism chucked in for good meaasure (and several drawings of a pyramid). It looks like it was designed by FrontPage Express.

You state at the top of your site "The Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) would like to encourage open minded and honest debate". Ergo, I refer to my previous question... what's your point?

And apparently Thoth was some Egyptian bird god thing.


Do you honestly think you can get your questions answered with an attitude like that?

Many have tried and failed going up against the RESS thinking that the empty rhetoric spewed out by the intellectually challenged will be effective against ideological firepower of the magnitude made manifest by the RESS.

COME ON !How much power have you got? 8O

[Enough of the stupid formatting]
RESS wrote:Many have tried and failed going up against the RESS thinking that the empty rhetoric spewed out by the intellectually challenged will be effective against ideological firepower of the magnitude made manifest by the RESS.

Is this because you don't actually answer a * thing?

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By Yudster

That bunny has in fact got 2 pancakes on its head.


Do you honestly think you can get your questions answered with an attitude like that?

What attitude?? I haven't even stated an opinion yet - merely asked some questions to get you to clarify your point... something you are refusing to do for some unknown reason since it seems you have got one to make.

RESS wrote:Many have tried and failed going up against the RESS thinking that the empty rhetoric spewed out by the intellectually challenged will be effective against ideological firepower of the magnitude made manifest by the RESS.

Sorry - didn't follow that... simplify it for me.

RESS wrote:COME ON !How much power have you got? 8O

Not as much as He Man.

Power for what? Answer some questions damnit! At least if you are gonna make strange comments left right and centre get involved in the discussion they provoke?
foot-loose wrote:At least if you are gonna make strange comments left right and centre get involved in the discussion they provoke?

Actually, now you mention it - in that respect, he's like Zenon.
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By Yudster
Ah, you will. You will, you will, you will, you will. Go on. Go on, go on, go on.
When I checked the BBC web site about ten minutes ago that story was number one. Sadly, number two was the Romanians leaving Northern Ireland to escape the racist bigots there.
Johnny 1989 wrote:
The problem with UKIP as an alternative is that they want to get us out of Europe, however in the current climate that is the worst possible thing we could do. We need the EU for trade for a start , and as has been proved time & time again, alot of these so called "new laws" created by the EU actually turn out to be false & created by our wonder tabloids as usual.

Do we? Ever heard of something called free trade? We dont need to pay 40million a day to be able to sell our goods.
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By MK Chris
Markool89, what is your opinion on the BNP?
markool89 wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:
The problem with UKIP as an alternative is that they want to get us out of Europe, however in the current climate that is the worst possible thing we could do. We need the EU for trade for a start , and as has been proved time & time again, alot of these so called "new laws" created by the EU actually turn out to be false & created by our wonder tabloids as usual.

Do we? Ever heard of something called free trade? We dont need to pay 40million a day to be able to sell our goods.

But not being part of the EU means it would be more difficult to trade with them if we were Independent.
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