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By Latina
^That's very much the impression I've got from what I've read the last few days. It seems that no one dared attempt an intervention. I've also read that Michael was always someone who very much got down to business when it was just him and the music, but as soon as his entourage and 'Yes Men' appeared - along with the hysteria that followed - he would suddenly regress.
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By Johnny 1989
Zoot wrote:
Yudster wrote:Thing is, vitiligo initially presents - and mostly only presents - with small patches of pigment loss. As in this case it would have been considerably easier for a black man to have evened this out by using dark make up on the patches rather than bleaching his whole body, i find the whole thing daft. I have suffered from vitiligo for many many years. The affected area has grown, but it is certainly a tiny area compared to the unaffected parts. I simply don't believe it - and as far as I am aware it was never really given any credence then or since. Certainly I have heard interviews with at least one of his brothers where its mentioned as a distressing psychological compulsion rather than a medical one.

So is vitiligo very noticeable on white skin?
The rumour was that he changed his appearance because he wanted to look as different to his father as possible.
One thing is really bothering me at the moment - We've all know for a while that he was 'troubled'. He's mutilated himself literally beyond recognition. He's bankcrupted himself due to an obvious spending addiction so we know he's 'allegedly' had control over his money, yet it's been widely reported that he's a 'repressed 10 year old'. Newspaper reports are stating that he was a little over 8 stone when he died and riddled with pin holes. He had nothing in his stomach apart from half dissolved pills. It's obvious to us now that he was in no fit state to perform gigs, yet he was due to do 50 sell out performances starting in a couple of weeks. He must of had a 'team' working with him, I mean we know he had a personal doctor, and there must of been management, staff etc buzzing around at all times for years. So...
Why the * didn't someone do something???? Didn't anyone stop and think 'Oh hang on, This isn't quite right, lets stop a minute'? No, and you know why I think? because they were all 'Yes men' who had a cash cow. He was in so much debt that they forced him do commit to a huge amount of gigs of which he was obviously in no state to do, but he agreed to do them. He was on a huge amount of prescription drugs. I bet you could have chopped his leg off and he wouldn't of noticed.

I would not be suprised that in the up coming months news emerges that there's a huge discrepancy in his accounts.

I'll tell you why I think -

I've always wondered this when it came to all the plastic surgery that he had, why wasn't there anyone who took him to one side & said "Michael are you sure you want to go through with all this?" It just seems that he had no one close to him that ever told him that he was going too far at times. It seems to me that sadly, especially in later years, he was very lonely.
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By Boboff
The interview with his Father at the Black Music thing was awful, he came across as a manipulative money grabber, even promoting his new blue ray record label in the same interview.

Seriously I think the 02 thing was never going to happen, although they are offering refunds, I assume this is coming from Insurance, rather than money paid in. He must have been paid a huge retainer thing to get him to sign up for it, then he's shitting himself and basically done himself in in some way. The fact he will be worth more dead than alive means that this has really dark repercussions.*

*Stops and watches for man from the Prisoner to come and take me away!
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By MK Chris
I thought the dad had always come across as a manipulative money grabber, hadn't he? Certainly not a man I'd like to know.

Interesting tweet I read: "We can argue about media overkill sure but if you honestly enjoyed NOTHING Michael Jackson ever recorded then you're weirder than he was" - not that I agree entirely because obviously tastes are massively subjective, but I think it's possibly truer of Michael Jackson than of any other performer after Elvis.
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By Yudster
My first thoughts about the whole business were pretty much exactly what boboff said.

And yes Zoot, vitiligo does show up in white skin,especially in the summer. Unless you're Nicola Roberts maybe, she might get away with it. It basically removes all the pigment - and when that happens you realise how much pigment there was to begin with!

I have patches on my face, stomach, shoulders, upper arms and back. The ones on my stomach and back etc I ignore, the ones on my face dictate that I have a fringe over the left side of my face at all times - and use sunscreen because if I tan it shows up even more. I've had it since I was 17 - to be honest, until all this I had pretty much forgotten about it.
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By MK Chris
I don't know why I'm shocked at this but I am. Shocked but not surprised. I am not posting the picture here because I know some people are upset about the whole thing and personally, I think it may cause people to lob their PCs out the window. I'll link to it below for those interested.

It's the 'OK' magazine cover. They have "WORLD EXCLUSIVE LAST PICTURES" - which happen to be of Jackson being presumably stretchered to the ambulance.

It's utterly vile. It serves no public interest. It does not highlight the horrors or war or famine. There is no justification.
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By Johnny 1989
Topher wrote:I don't know why I'm shocked at this but I am. Shocked but not surprised. I am not posting the picture here because I know some people are upset about the whole thing and personally, I think it may cause people to lob their PCs out the window. I'll link to it below for those interested.

It's the 'OK' magazine cover. They have "WORLD EXCLUSIVE LAST PICTURES" - which happen to be of Jackson being presumably stretchered to the ambulance.

It's utterly vile. It serves no public interest. It does not highlight the horrors or war or famine. There is no justification.

I agree Topher, it's reason like that you showed in the link, that makes me hate Hello, Ok, Heat, Star, Woman, etc. they are fully of scummy journos desperate to get any "exclusive" photo of a celeb, no matter what the photo is.
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By Latina
This is about the third time I've seen a link to that picture and I still haven't clicked it. To be honest I'm not even tempted. Disgraceful that they would do that.
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By jocky85
I can only imagine its - 'The Way You Milk Me Phil' ??
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By Ed Pummelon
Topher wrote:I don't know why I'm shocked at this but I am. Shocked but not surprised. I am not posting the picture here because I know some people are upset about the whole thing and personally, I think it may cause people to lob their PCs out the window. I'll link to it below for those interested.

It's the 'OK' magazine cover. They have "WORLD EXCLUSIVE LAST PICTURES" - which happen to be of Jackson being presumably stretchered to the ambulance.

It's utterly vile. It serves no public interest. It does not highlight the horrors or war or famine. There is no justification.

Wow. Until now I've been fairly unmoved by the whole thing, but I have to say that that has shocked me. It's not so much the photo, tasteless and unnecessary as it is, it's more that over that they can write - presumably in all seriousness - " in loving memory" and "all our love and prayers". Not to mention the close up pic of the kids, or "the grieving children" as they're captioned. I think we just hit a new low.
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By C-Kay
Frankie Boyles column was quite funny....

So the Michael Jackson roller coaster has stopped. Looks like he got enough.

Apparently he died after walking into a pub in Paisley and saying “Do you wanna be starting something?” We can all learn something from Michael’s life. For example, it looks like oxygen tents are a big waste of money.

Why did no one pick up on it when he had shown all the signs of a heart attack? Wheezing noises, jerking of the arms, ashen complexion? I suppose to be fair he has been showing all those symptoms since the mid eighties. Had Jackson’s staff noticed something was wrong earlier he might have been saved, but when they saw him grab his left arm, go stiff and yelp they just thought he was practising his moves for Beat It. It’s not known what triggered the heart attack, but High School Musical 3 was on cable at the time. In many ways he was a tragic figure. Let’s be honest, he had more personal issues than Batman.Who could have imagined that the monster he transformed into in “Thriller” would look less weird than what he transformed into in real life? It’s got to be a tossup whether he get cremated or recycled. His postmortem will look like the Roswell autopsy.

I was a big Michael Jackson fan when I was 8. I didn't know it at the time, but I was his 'type.'

For his London concerts Michael Jackson advertised for children in wheelchairs or with missing legs! What parent would agree to that? Look what happened with kids who could run away! Those tickets sold out in minutes. An interesting attitude we have to paedophilia in this country, “ We don’t want paedophiles round here! Unless they’ve really worked on their choreography...”

He was a legend and his funeral will be amazing. Ironically the funeral will be the first time in years his children haven’t been forced to wear veils.With the amount of money the concert tickets have made I wouldn’t be surprised if they still wheeled him on. It would add an interesting touch to I’ll Be There. Michael Jackson was apparently refusing to eat ahead of his O2 gigs. He now weighed less than nine stone and the only thing he would eat willingly was nachos. Nachos being the name of a young Mexican boy. It’s said that Jackson had developed a phobia about being fat. Not like him to worry about his looks. Apparently when the news broke Jackson’s father rushed straight to the hospital, just to check if the medics needed a hand with beating Michael’s chest.

Jackson’s family said they were moved to see that the hospital staff were all wearing black. Actually, they were all wearing white as usual, but that family had always had a little trouble admitting the difference. The man may be gone but he has left a musical legacy that will be around for hundreds of years. As will his face.

Murraymania has hit Wimbledon with millions convinced that Andy Murray has what it takes to become the first British male for a long time to be knocked out in the final. Murray could be Wimbledon if he just the right breaks, like one to Roger Federer’s ankle. This year Murray is desperately trying to convince the crowd he’s ‘British’. Then he * that up by winning. Nine Brits were beaten on the first day. Mind you, they all turned up with snooker cues.

The Lawn Tennis Association says the eighty million pound roof over Centre Court will improve British tennis. Really? They’re attaching a noose? Visitors to Wimbledon have been paying £20 a day to park on a graveyard. It only came to light after the families of deceased relatives complained about having to lay flowers on a BMW.What sort of person would think it’s acceptable to park their 4x4 on top of someone’s grave. Oh yes, the sort of person that owns a 4x4.I love Wimbledon. It’s the only time I get to watch women in short skirts grunting and sweating without night vision goggles. I really enjoy all that grunting. My neighbours keep banging on the wall to get me to stop.

The BBC has published its expenses. They also claimed for chandeliers, moats and large houses. To be fair, it was for ‘Pride and Prejudice.' They claimed thousands of pounds for ‘entertaining.It’s a disgrace. The BBC hasn’t done that for years.Deputy Director Mark Byford charged licence fee payers £4.99 for a book of the history of QPR football club. And a thousand on a divorce lawyer when he gave it to his wife for Christmas. £1,137 was spent on a knighthood dinner for Terry Wogan. And it’s the last time they take him to Pizza Hut and say, ‘Order anything you like.’

The BNP may be sued for refusing membership to non whites.The BNP say they welcome minorities as card carrying members. The cards say ‘* off home.’ I look forward to Nick Griffin holding ‘minority awareness’ workshops and playing God Save The Queen on steel drums.

London Underground is using quotes from Ghandi on the Tube. I saw the film and I don’t remember him saying, ‘There’s a body on the line at Marble Arch.’ They use other famous quotes too – but the one from the Koran emptied the train.

The Scottish National Library banned the Saltire flag for being racist. There are racist librarians? Knitting a cardigan with a swastika in it must be a nightmare. I’d love to see them march. ‘What do we want? Sssshh!’

A ghost town that was built in Argyll but then abandoned to the wild is to be demolished because it lies crumbling and derelict. It’s a shame because there’s some great scenery around Greenock.

A male stripper, known as Sergeant Eros, has been convicted of impersonating a police officer and pulling over other drivers using flashing lights on his car. He pulled over several female drivers but they quickly realised he wasn’t a policemen when he didn’t expose his genitals.

Twenty-two people in the UK have donated a kidney to a stranger. It’s just a shame that many of the strangers were German cannibals.

Sir Ranulph Fiennes’s wife says that he can’t read a map. Getting to the South Pole unassisted is even more impressive as it turns out he’d only gone out to buy some fags.

I reckon the rights to broadcast Scottish football next year could be picked up by anyone with a few empty Irn Bru bottles and a camcorder. So that’s STV out of the running.

Scientists have found that Botox can make hair re-grow, but women that have had injections in their forehead don’t need to worry. People will still be unable to see your frown lines, because they’ll be hidden behind all that lovely forehead hair
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By Latina
foot-loose wrote:

Me and Toph were talking about this earlier and he mentioned it would work in this thread.

Udder brilliance!

Ah, I'd forgotten about this! Thanks - just had the biggest laugh in at least a week! :lol:
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By Johnny 1989
foot-loose wrote:

Me and Toph were talking about this earlier and he mentioned it would work in this thread.

Udder brilliance!

Genius, shame they didn't do a full parody but it's still * funny :lol:
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Ive been waiting for pics of the show that mightve been..
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By Nicola_Red
I haven't been around for a few days cos work has been so crazy busy, so I've missed the discussion really. I was another one who didn't feel particularly affected by MJ's death - now if it'd been Madonna, I think I'd have been pretty upset. The celeb death that's affected me most is Kurt Cobain - I remember being very upset that day. But then I was 19 and a bit less cynical than I am now! I also remember Phill Lynott's death clearly, which is odd as I was only about eight. It wasn't until a long time after that that I realised what a legend he'd been.
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I've not read all the posts here and hence don't expect people to read mine.

I am deeply saddened that Mr J is dead. I tried to get tickets to the new show but failed. Anyway I was looking forward to seeing him perform one more time on the DVD!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson
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By Yudster
I don't.
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By MK Chris
Nope. Me neither. Although did you know he can make you eat an onion and think it's a sweet apple?!
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By Yudster
No. No he can't.
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By Yudster
Gary Rhodes has never been able to work out how he is supposed to speak.
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By Zoot
Looks like he's back! ... l-jackson/
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