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Ok, four quizzes (hopefully) during July. Here's the first.

The rules:

  • There are three rounds in each game. Each question is harder than the one before it. That said, they are only hard if you don't know the answer!
  • Each question in round one is worth 5 points, round two is 10 points and round three is 15 points.
  • Checking your answers is not allowed (i.e. googling them). This is only for fun so I shall trust that you haven't cheated.
  • However, you have two chances to get help throughout the quiz. These lifelines take the form of being allowed to check two of your answers (i.e. on Google or Wikipedia), but you need to indicate that you have done so. These answers will only get you five points each, regardless of which round they are in.
  • To give your answers, please reply with only the question number and the letter A, B, C or D. This way it shouldn't be spoiled for those answering after you. I'll probably not give the correct answers for a couple of days. If you are taking part in the championship, please get your answers in sooner than later - answers posted after the results are up will not count.
  • I will post you your score out of 15 and the number of points you have received. The points will go into the leaderboard. Unfortunately, I can't promise to tell you which ones you personally got correct or wrong.
  • The quiz masters decision is final (unless you can convince me otherwise!)

1. Which of these cartoon characters is a rodent?
A: Speedy Gonzalez
B: Tazmanian Devil
C: Road Runner
D: Pepe Le Pew

2. What is McDonald's fish sandwich called?
A: McFishy
B: Big Mackerel
C: Flipper McNugget
D: Filet O'Fish

3. What is the right hand side pedal in a car?
A: Footbrake
B: Clutch
C: Accelerator
D: Handbrake

4. According to a survey in 2004, what is the most popular confectionery brand in the UK?
A: Kit Kat
B: Twix
C: Mars bar
D: Cadbury's Creme Eggs

5. What was the occupation of the creator of Thomas the Tank Engine?
A: Train driver
B: Clergyman
C: Bus conductor
D: Chimney sweep


6. What does the D in WD-40 stand for?
A: Diluter
B: Displacement
C: Diesel
D: Didelotia

7. What was the original name for Domino's Pizza
A: Dom's Pizza
B: Tom's Pizza
C: Dominick's Pizza
D: Domino's Italian Restaurant

8. What is the largest country in the world?
A: Antarctica
B: China
C: Russia
D: United States of America

9. Approximately how long, in Earth years, does it take for Jupiter to orbit the sun?
A: 1
B: 12
C: 24
D: 48

10. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = ?
A: 121,121,121
B: 123,456,789
C: 12,345,678,987,654,321
D: 12,345,678,910,987,654,321


11. How many panels does a football have?
A: 24
B: 26
C: 28
D: 30
E: 32
F: 34
G: 36

12. Approximately how long is the Great Barrier Reef?
A: 1.8 miles
B: 18 miles
C: 180 miles
D: 1,800 miles
E: 18,000 miles
F: 180,000 miles
G: 200,000 miles

13. How long is the average day?
A: 23 hours, 54 minutes, 2 seconds
B: 23 hours, 54 minutes, 4 seconds
C: 23 hours, 54 minutes, 6 seconds
D: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 2 seconds
E: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds
F: 24 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
G: 24 hours, 0 minutes, 4 seconds

14. What is the eighth commandment?
A: Respect your mother and father
B: Do not commit adultery
C: Do not lie
D: Keep the Sabbath holy
E: Do not worship any other Gods
F: Do not steal
G: Do not murder

15. Who is the small hero in JRR Tolkien's 'The Hobbit'?
A: Aragorn
B: Bilbo Baggins
C: Frodo Baggins
D: Gandalf
E: Gollum
F: Samwise Gamgee
G: Saruman
H: Strider

From an MSN convo:

charlalottie says (23:55):
*for question 10 with the maths one, can we work out with paper or does that count as a google

Foot-Loose says (23:55):
*no - that would be fine

charlalottie says (23:56):
*awesome, just wanted to check beforehand, probably be wrong though

Foot-Loose says (23:56):
*you would be using your brain and knowledge, not checking your answer

1. A
2. D (Guess, but it does ring a bell)
3. C
4. A (Guess... only because of who has set the questions.)
5. B (I don't know why I think this but I do... not going so well so far.)

6. B (Educated guess... I hope.)
7. C (Googled)
8. C (I have assumed you're going by area rather than population, but I still could be wrong.)
9. D (Again... not sure why, I just think it's right.)
10. C (Hopefully educated guess, probably wrong.)

11. B (Guess)
12. D (Googled)
13. G (Educated guess I think.)
14. B (Guess)
15. E

That was * awful. You did that on purpose.
1- A
2- D
3- C
4- B
5- B

6- B
7- D (I have NO idea!)
8- C
9- B (Googled)
10- C (I tried to work it out but got too lost, so I have guessed. I have a headache.)

11- E
12- D (Actually I had a different number in my head, but this looked closest!)
13- E (googled)
14- C
15- B

I think I hit lucky with a couple of those questions, they were in a quiz I was in a couple of weeks ago. But please don't make me do long numbers again........!
Bugger. Question 4 was supposed to be A. I will accept whatever ruling is deemed appropriate on that one!
Right, I'm putting in objections for the unclear question 8 (area, population?) and the definitely variable question 11 (new designs have a different number - there's one design has about 4). That aside:

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. B (I'm going with population)
9. B
10. C
11. B (I'm assuming it's the standard stereotypical ball)
12. D
13. B (googled)
14. F (googled)
15. B
Question 8. I am asking what the largest country is. I am not asking which country is the largest in terms of population, taxation or education. I am asking what the largest country is.

The damn thing is impossible enough - let's not go making it even harder! :lol:
Well I was once told (at school I believe, so maybe I should know better than to believe what I was told there...) that you measure how big a country is by population, not area. I thought it retarded at the time, I still think it's retarded, and I suspect I've lost points in this quiz because of it now.



Most of these were complete guesses, which will become apparent in my scores.
Very difficult.
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B

6. A (guess but I really should know it!)
7. C (googled)
8. C
9. B (googled)
10. C

11. D
12. D (seemed most sensible!)
13. E
14. F
15. B

I guessed most of these, my heads hurts
The answers:

1. Which of these cartoon characters is a rodent?
A: Speedy Gonzalez
B: Tazmanian Devil
C: Road Runner
D: Pepe Le Pew

2. What is McDonald's fish sandwich called?
A: McFishy
B: Big Mackerel
C: Flipper McNugget
D: Filet O'Fish

3. What is the right hand side pedal in a car?
A: Footbrake
B: Clutch
C: Accelerator
D: Handbrake

4. According to a survey in 2004, what is the most popular confectionery brand in the UK?
A: Kit Kat
B: Twix
C: Mars bar
D: Cadbury's Creme Eggs

5. What was the occupation of the creator of Thomas the Tank Engine?
A: Train driver
B: Clergyman
C: Bus conductor
D: Chimney sweep


6. What does the D in WD-40 stand for?
A: Diluter
B: Displacement
C: Diesel
D: Didelotia

7. What was the original name for Domino's Pizza
A: Dom's Pizza
B: Tom's Pizza
C: Dominick's Pizza
D: Domino's Italian Restaurant

8. What is the largest country in the world?
A: Antarctica
B: China
C: Russia
D: United States of America

9. Approximately how long, in Earth years, does it take for Jupiter to orbit the sun?
A: 1
B: 12
C: 24
D: 48

10. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = ?
A: 121,121,121
B: 123,456,789
C: 12,345,678,987,654,321
D: 12,345,678,910,987,654,321


11. How many panels does a football have?
A: 24
B: 26
C: 28
D: 30
E: 32
F: 34
G: 36

12. Approximately how long is the Great Barrier Reef?
A: 1.8 miles
B: 18 miles
C: 180 miles
D: 1,800 miles
E: 18,000 miles
F: 180,000 miles
G: 200,000 miles

13. How long is the average day?
A: 23 hours, 54 minutes, 2 seconds
B: 23 hours, 54 minutes, 4 seconds
C: 23 hours, 54 minutes, 6 seconds
D: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 2 seconds
E: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds
F: 24 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
G: 24 hours, 0 minutes, 4 seconds

14. What is the eighth commandment?
A: Respect your mother and father
B: Do not commit adultery
C: Do not lie
D: Keep the Sabbath holy
E: Do not worship any other Gods
F: Do not steal
G: Do not murder

15. Who is the small hero in JRR Tolkien's 'The Hobbit'?
A: Aragorn
B: Bilbo Baggins
C: Frodo Baggins
D: Gandalf
E: Gollum
F: Samwise Gamgee
G: Saruman
H: Strider

The results:


Yep, Frodo was Bilbo's nephew or something, and the Lord of the Rings happened years after the Hobbit. The Hobbit was the basis of Bilbo's book "There and Back Again" which he was finishing writing at the beginning of LOTR. Frodo wasn't in The Hobbit, it was the story of Bilbo's original adventure.
Bonanzoid wrote:Small hero in The Hobbit is Frodo?? Are you sure that's correct?

Sorry buddy, Yuds is correct - Frodo doesn't appear until Lord of the Rings.

I actually thought it was a pretty easy question 15 compared to the rest of the quiz which was, quite frankly, * impossible. Sorry about that :lol:
Zoot wrote:I can't believe I got everything so wrong, but the hero in The Hobbit was definitely Bilbo and not Frodo.

... in fact, I see what you're saying. I may have made a woopsie there.

You're right, i've got the wrong one underlined. I'll need to check later that I marked that one correctly. I was tired last night, sorry.
Are you going to change the board then?
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