Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By foot-loose
Ok, most of you won't give a toss about this, but Sunny keeps bugging me about these so here they be. Also, this is some good advertising for the Scottish tourist board. :)

I've not embedded the pictures since some are quite big and will screw up the board dimensions. Click the links.

First up, the beach:

The locals. That's Orkney in the background:

Now, I was at the very top of Scotland. The pointy bit RIGHT at the top looking south. This photo I liked - it shows the North Sea on the left and the Atlantic Ocean on the right:

Same photo but larger and without the captions: ... dlarge.jpg

Abby with the Stacks of Duncansby in the background: ... stacks.jpg

Abby with the isles of Orkney in the background:

John O Groats (the most northenly inhabited area) harbour with some dodgy clouds. Again, Orkney in the background: ... hunder.jpg

Finally, a small, secluded beach called "Scotlands Haven". It involves about a ten minute trek over moorland to find this place. It's not on the maps and there's no signs. There is, however, a seal colony normally on the rocks. The beach is awesome.

More people should come see this place. It's pretty cool. :)

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By Yudster
Sold. When are we going?
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By MK Chris
Me too, looks brilliant.
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By Zoot
Ok, so i'll drive the Big Scottish Fun Bus and head north, picking people up on the way, Footy get the BBQ going.
Lokks fantastic.
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By Bonanzoid
Zoot wrote:Ok, so i'll drive the Big Scottish Fun Bus and head north, picking people up on the way, Footy get the BBQ going.
Lokks fantastic.

I'll be your most Northern pickup, but still count me in too!
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By jocky85
Sorry Foots, hi-jacking your thread but I think (well hope) these pics are also worthy.

Hunstanton near where I live, where I spent yesterday evening




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By MK Chris
I've been on a boat ride in Hunstanton when I was a kid.
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By Yudster
I just ate a whole packet of Toffos.
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By Yudster
Well that should do something for your "digestive transit"........
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By Munki Bhoy
I don't think I could go to a place called Hunstanton.

Although very few are going to get that joke.
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By Munki Bhoy
From your perspective, I'd be bad guys A as opposed to bad guys B.
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By Munki Bhoy
It's all perspective. The enemy of my enemy is still an enemy just not today.
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