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By Yudster
Topher wrote:Markool89, what is your opinion on the BNP?

I don't know whether to slap you or put a pillow on your head and sit on it. How could you?!
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By MK Chris
Ah, I felt in an argumentative mood. Apologies.
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By Yudster
See I think its great he is saying things like that. Hopefully we aren't so far gone in this country as to not realise that he is being fanatical and irrational (not to say homicidal). Maybe now all the people who voted for him will start to see what the rest of us meant when we told them not to.
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By MK Chris
I agree.. it should at least sort out the racist knuckle-draggers from the stupid and delusional knuckle-draggers. I'm surprised he has made a mistake like that though; he's normally very careful to try and appear on the outside as moderate as possible - I doubt he'll be making a mistake like that again in a hurry.

I also found this interesting.
A good thing?I don't agree totally. Reducing racism down to cartoonish behaviour like this makes it all too easy to dismiss it and makes the anti-facist movement seem like a storm in a teacup when all they seem to be reacting against are clowns like this. I prefer him continuing with his insidious notions which make us take the history of fascism more seriously and prepares people from being duped. There's more Griffins out there that won't be so careless.

By the way, why would he sink their boats but then give them life rafts.
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By MK Chris
He has shown his true colours and intentions for once though - when he tries to hide them, some people are taken in by that.
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