Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By LindaB
Don't you think your all a bit obsessed with Chris Moyles, wasting pounds worth of credit to get on the radio, making numerous threads about little annecdotes made by Chris. Don't get me wrong i like the show, just, this seems obsessive to me, like all you people following Chris. And like i said i like the show, but this is too much.
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By Mugs
LindaB wrote:Don't you think your all a bit obsessed with Chris Moyles, wasting pounds worth of credit to get on the radio, making numerous threads about little annecdotes made by Chris. Don't get me wrong i like the show, just, this seems obsessive to me, like all you people following Chris. And like i said i like the show, but this is too much.

No, now p***off and stop taking up valuable space on the forum.
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By Mugs
LindaB wrote:The truth is so often such a difficult thing to face, isn't it.

Your quite clearly here to antagonize, and I find it sad when you took the time to sign up to the site purely for that purpose. So really you're a bit of a hypocrite when you're accusing us of wasting our time :D :D :D
By MonkeyMonger
We all enjoy the show and wish to discuss certain things that have happened on the show. What is wrong with that?
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By Ed Pummelon
LindaB, do you often join forums in order to slag off other people, or has this one been singled out for your special attention?
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By Ed Pummelon
Assuming that you're categorising as "low rent", you're therefore saying that you joined this board in order to slag off its members. I don't think any more comment is necessary.
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By dannimaria
Yes, he's my life, I live in the bushes outside his house and bought night vision goggles, all special, like.

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By foot-loose
LindaB wrote:Don't you think your all a bit obsessed with Chris Moyles, wasting pounds worth of credit to get on the radio, making numerous threads about little annecdotes made by Chris. Don't get me wrong i like the show, just, this seems obsessive to me, like all you people following Chris. And like i said i like the show, but this is too much.

Unless something specific has happened on todays show then I assume you are just making a general observation regarding the number of posts on here relating to Moyles and also assuming that we all text the show?

This is a fansite for Chris Moyles. On a Chris Moyles fansite, in the forum, in the general section... what do you expect there to be threads on? There are over 7000 members on this site (with you being the newest, I note) so of course there is going to be quite a few new topics posted on the subject. That said, I don't quite know what you mean by "anecdotes made by Chris", if we take the ten threads at the top of the page (excluding this one, which should probably be in Ramble):

Chris swears - Tue 14th July
- Moyles has been in bother in the past for swearing. It would be of interest if this was picked up by the media (and had actually happened)

Listen again problems - not really an anecdote is it?

What happened to Chris on Wednesday?!
- There was a long discussion about something Chris had had to do on Wednesday. I don't think he ever told the story, but it's not surprising that someone who missed the end would want to ask what had happened. Again, not an anecdote.

Whats happening monday? - Moyles is off. Vernon is in. This is not normal. People want to know why. Not an anecdote.

Chris breaks down over tragic death of great grandfather - This was started by bradcali and therefore doesn't count. It's still not an anecdote.

does Rachael hate Vernon - not read this one. Doesn't sound like an anecdote told by Chris though...

I'm bored of this now, so that's not ten, but you get my point. It's a fansite. The Ramble forum is much more entertaining anyways - Gossip is full of geeks... 8)

Oh, and I have never texted the show - it seems a waste of money to me as well.

Fewtz wins.
By LindaB
it displays a lack of brains up top.

Shall I do it naked? Could be more exciting than some of the threads I am viewing?
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By Ed Pummelon
foot-loose wrote:Unless something specific has happened on todays show...

Wireman's dumb-ass thread got mentioned on the show this morning, so as usual someone's decided to kill a bit of time by joining up and trolling - nothing special. Which is a shame really, I'd like someone with some spark to have a go one day, it'd make threads like this more entertaining.
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By MK Chris
LindaB, stick around - you may actually find you enjoy reading stuff on here - especially in 'Let's Get Ready to Ramble', as foot-loose has already pointed out. If you don't find anything that interests you, well, the interweb is a big place - I'm sure there'll be something you like more than slagging off fans of a show - that you have actually admitted that you like - somewhere.
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By foot-loose
Ed Pummelon wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Unless something specific has happened on todays show...

Wireman's dumb-ass thread got mentioned on the show this morning, so as usual someone's decided to kill a bit of time by joining up and trolling - nothing special. Which is a shame really, I'd like someone with some spark to have a go one day, it'd make threads like this more entertaining.

Ahh. Fair enough.

Aye, a troll with some brains and the gumption to fight their own corner would be a good laugh. Like I did on that Will Young site. That was fun.

LindaB wrote:Then stop replying .......

Who are you talking to? Your response doesn't work to Topher so I assume you were talking to Ed. But he was talking to me. So your post fails.

Plus, I thought you said you were gonna get naked?

Lactating Man Nips wrote:
LindaB wrote:it displays a lack of brains up top.

And your problem with this is....?
LindaB wrote:In a nutshelll..... YOU!

Aw come on, grow some baws! Fight like a bitch!
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By Ed Pummelon
foot-loose wrote:... kit kat or twix?

That'll clinch it. If not, I second the motion for a naked bitch fight.
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By Mugs
foot-loose wrote:... kit kat or twix?

I prefer money.........I feel like I've had the converstaion before :?
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