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By Bonanzoid
I only saw some of it, but I thought making his daughter go up there was just sick and unnecessary. Shaheen Whatshisname was pretty good indeed.

(note - it's curious that 'Shaheen' is flagged by my Firefox spellchecker, yet 'Whatshisname' isn't. Ha.)
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By Latina
Johnny 1989 wrote:
Latina wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:Regarding the whole tasteless thing, did anyone here Chris say that people were texting in saying he was being a bit tasteless the way he & the rest of them were talking about the event.

I didn't think he was being so, he was just relaying back what he saw, but did anyone on here think it was?

That must have been before my radio came on. What time was it roughly?

It was during the first half hour @ 6:30am

Cheers, although I managed to hear it a bit ago. :) I didn't think they were disrespectful. Well, perhaps some of it could have been seen to be so (Chris' impression of Michael from the clouds for example) but I just thought it was funny and the stuff they said about the memorial quite interesting to hear. They kept saying MJ would have expected better, which I don't think was tasteless at all. On the contrary, they reiterated that they were fans and that's why it was disappointing for them.

And as I said in another thread, Chris' impression of Gambo was hilarious, and yet pretty extreme. He really ripped into him, with those fake quotes (paraphrased examples: "I told Michael to make Thriller", "I told Michael to wear a white glove", and more shockingly "It's because of Chris Moyles that Michael's dead" ).
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By Yudster
Chris Moyles can't possibly have done anything more tasteless with regard to Michael Jackson than the person who chose that * coffin to plonk in front of everyone.
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By Ed Pummelon
On the subject of people's reactions to the service / tribute / memorial / funeral / love-in or whatever it was, good review here.
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By Lactating Man Nips
Apart from whoever's bad judgment led to his daughter speaking, the rest was a fair mix of good and bad that you'd expect at a showbiz memorial. I've heard worse speeches at the Oscars, and indeed at other funerals.
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Lactating Man Nips wrote:Apart from whoever's bad judgment led to his daughter speaking, the rest was a fair mix of good and bad that you'd expect at a showbiz memorial. I've heard worse speeches at the Oscars, and indeed at other funerals.

Positive post shocker! 8O
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By Yudster
I really thought the dead body in the glittery coffin on the stage was macabre though.
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By Zoot
Ed Pummelon wrote:Especially when you know there was no brain in the skull.

That's if there was actually a body in the coffin.
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By Lactating Man Nips
Yudster wrote:I really thought the dead body in the glittery coffin on the stage was macabre though.

I'll concede that the presence of his decomposing corpse wasn't necessary. (Yes he was already decomposing before he died!!!1111one!)
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By Latina
It was weird at first, and did also heighten the emotion (Mariah has reported that seeing it there was what put her off), but for some reason his casket being there didn't bother me as much after a while. It could have been worse - at least it was closed!

Although, following a thread on the Digital Spy forums at the time, I must admit I was amused by the frequent "When's he going to climb out and start doing the Thriller dance?" comments.
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By Bonanzoid
That media player just doesn't agree with my computer. It kept jumping about, stopping and starting, I gave up. What's the gist?
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By Zoot

Here you go bona
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By MK Chris
What's more retarded is that it was reported by the press. Nope, not what you would normally think of as 'gutter' press, but one of the so-called 'quality' papers (though I would disagree with that description of this particular paper anyway) - The Telegraph. I'm starting to link to Anton Vowl's blog fairly often, but his take on it made me laugh. As he says, obviously the MPs expenses were a one-off.
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Poor Wacko.

Apparently after the Pepsi fire incident he started on his addiction to painkillers and it all went downhill. Setting up the 'Michael Jackson Burns Charity' was probably the only good thing to come out of this.
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By Zoot
SAV1OUR wrote:
Poor Wacko.

Apparently after the Pepsi fire incident he started on his addiction to painkillers and it all went downhill. Setting up the 'Michael Jackson Burns Charity' was probably the only good thing to come out of this.

That video is pretty horrific.
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By Latina
I haven't looked at a single one of those MJ ghost stories. Just not interested.

It's true that that Pepsi ad disaster was essentially the first domino to fall, from what I've read at least. Makes me sad to think about it.

Incidentally, I was watching a few of those ads on YouTube last week. The first Pepsi one, featuring none other than a very young Carlton from Fresh Prince, is rather fun:

The notorious one is presumably this one: ... PL&index=2

I can't bring myself to watch the never-before-seen stuff about the accident. Not when I'm in the middle of a bunch of work emails anyway.
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By Latina
^I was more upset by the earlier ones, as I don't appreciate Billie Jean being tarnished. A great song spoiled, and it led to disaster.

They probably seemed good at the time though.
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By Chippy
Latina wrote:They probably seemed good at the time though.

Yeh, but seriously, would any idiot fall for such blatant marketing?

Anyway, I'm off to get myself a Pepsi, talk more in a bit...

..its good...its good...
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