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By bradcali
Its in all the papers-hes having an on air rant about it- hes skating on thin ice!I thougfht he might evenbe about to announce hes quitting!
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By Zoot
But the rant on the air is him saying that he HASN'T attack the Bbc and the media has twisted what he said and speculated. Do you work for the media Bradcali?
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By Ed Pummelon
bradcali wrote:Its in all the papers-hes having an on air rant about it- hes skating on thin ice!I thougfht he might evenbe about to announce hes quitting!

Oh please shut up.
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By Yudster
I very rarely wish this about even the most irritating tool, but I really wish bradcali would go away. Its not often a single individual can come close to ruining a whole forum, but he really does. Ah well.
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:I very rarely wish this about even the most irritating tool, but I really wish bradcali would go away. Its not often a single individual can come close to ruining a whole forum, but he really does. Ah well.

I agree with you Yuds, normally I ignore them & they can be quite harmless, however he seems to be on an "Anti Moyles" rant at the moment which is staring to get tired & boring and is even getting mentions on air.

Bradcali either calm down or sod off!
By mcc987
people who don't like chris moyles take life too seriously (in my opinion), his show is the best show on radio! He has a point about too much red tape anyway and all he is saying is his opinion, no different to anyone else saying there opinion. If people don't like him then don't listen to his show!!!

Simple :D
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By Yudster
Yes - but in the interests of balance, i think its demonstrated here on a regular basis that people who profess to really like Moyles also take things far, far too seriously from time to time......
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By Boboff
Personally, I suggest that, as Topher has shown can be done, we just all ignore his threads. I probably gets some sort of sexual pleasure as the number of views and replies goes into double figures ( Yes I know, It's like by posting this, I played with his willy, ewww, and I am off for a wash)
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By foot-loose
boboff wrote:Personally, I suggest that, as Topher has shown can be done, we just all ignore his threads. I probably gets some sort of sexual pleasure as the number of views and replies goes into double figures ( Yes I know, It's like by posting this, I played with his willy, ewww, and I am off for a wash)

Exactly. I really don't get the point of complaining and complaining about someone or their posting style. If people ignore it, it will go away*. Or get Chris to ban him.

*that said - it didn't work with me.
By bradcali
Johnny 1989 wrote:
Yudster wrote:I very rarely wish this about even the most irritating tool, but I really wish bradcali would go away. Its not often a single individual can come close to ruining a whole forum, but he really does. Ah well.

I agree with you Yuds, normally I ignore them & they can be quite harmless, however he seems to be on an "Anti Moyles" rant at the moment which is staring to get tired & boring and is even getting mentions on air.

Bradcali either calm down or sod off!

when did I get a mention on air? I'll have to listen back on iplayer for that!
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By Yudster
They drink it in the jungle.
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By Zoot
Yudster wrote:They drink it in the jungle.

I thought they drunk it in the Congo?
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By Zoot
Zoot wrote:
Yudster wrote:They drink it in the jungle.

I thought they drunk it in the Congo?

I meant drank, bollocks.
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By Yudster
I mean Congo, bollocks.
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