Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By foot-loose

A mouse lived in a windmill in old Amsterdam
A windmill with a mouse in and he wasn't grousin'
He sang every morning "How lucky I am
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam".

I saw a mouse -- where? There on the stair
Where on the stair? Right there
A little mouse with clogs on -- well, I declare
Going clip-clippety-clop on the stair - oh yeah

This mouse, he got lonesome, he took him a wife
A windmill with mice in, it's hardly surprisin'
She sang every morning "How lucky I am
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam"


First they had triplets and then they had quins
A windmill with quins in, triplets and twins in
They sang every morning "How lucky we are
Living in a windmill in Amsterdam -- ya"


The daughters got married and so did the sons
The windmill had christenings when no one was listening
They all sang in chorus "How lucky we am
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam"


A mouse lived in a windmill, so snug and so nice
There's nobody there now but a whole load of mice

I'm going to bed now to snuggle up warm
Odd songs you're perusing while I will be snoozing
The drunk man outside sings "How lucky I am
There's lot's more drugs right here than in old Amsterdam"
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By Zoot
That's one of those weird songs that I know it really well and I know all of the lyrics, but I have absolutely NO idea where I know that song from, or way I may of heard it, Like 'Lily the Pink' or 'Puff the Magic Dragon'.

We'll drink a drink a drink
To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case.
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By Yudster
Mr Frears
Had sticky out ears
And it made him awfully shy
So they gave him
medicinal compind
And now he's learning how to fly.

Did you know Paul McCartney's brother was in The Scaffold?
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By Zoot
Ha, no I didn't. And that brings us to the Frog Chorus!
Mrs Zoot has nightmares about that song.
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By Yudster
Mike McGear he called himself. They had a few hits.
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By MK Chris
Deja vu in this thread.. for the three other people who will remember the conversation on Twitter.

Zoot wrote:We'll drink a drink a drink
To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case.

I prefer the Dr Busker version:

We'll drink a drink a drink
To Lily the Pink the Pink the Pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
The first viagra of it's day.

Listen here to the full version - verses are great (not great quality, recorded live probably on a phone, but still good).
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By Munki Bhoy
Hehe, I've just remembered being at some school assembly and watching my wee sister dressed as a pink toothbrush.

She's a mum now. Awesome.
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By Zoot
I have a memory of being in a school assembly where our class were 'performing' to Yellow Submarine. (just singing and dancing). I got to stand up and shout 'All Aboard' into a big paper cone. I seem to remember being given bread and lemon curd that morning too because I got it all over the cone.
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By Nicola_Red
People cannot start singing Puff The Magic Dragon or I will cry - in fact I well up just at the thought of it (I'm not even exaggerating for effect!) On another note, Mike McGear pulled out of some 60s music show we had on a couple years ago - he threw a strop cos the brochure copy referred to him as Paul McCartney's brother. Some family tension there I suspect.
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By foot-loose

sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]