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By Console
Depending on your interpretation of the question, there are at least six different answers for the second one; however, there is only one way (that I've found) of doing it using only 9s (as opposed to doing 99s and the like).
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By Munki Bhoy
Yeah, 9 x 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 / 9.
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By Console
Huh, that's not actually the one I had - mine was needlessly more complicated.
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By foot-loose

Phone Formula
Why do some people dial 999 with their index finger and some with their third finger?

Answer: To call the emergency services

All the nines
How can you make 100 using six nines only?

Answer: The answer I have is 99+(99÷99)=100

Console got in first with both answers (as per :P) however, talk about overcomplicating things:

(9 + 9/9)^((9 + 9)/9)

...also, if the nines can be combined: -

99 + 9/9 + 9 - 9
99 + 99/99
99/9 * 9 + 9/9
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By foot-loose
An easier one (which I may have done before, I forget)

Trivial Pursuits

Ian is describing the previous evening to his girlfriend: "There were four main groups including a couple of important people and there also one or two comedians in the bunch. They all intermingled very easily, though. You would have enjoyed yourself because we saw lots of precious stones, love hearts and heart shaped leaves. There were also some black stick like objects which we did our best to get rid of."

How had Ian spent his evening?
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By Munki Bhoy
Shagging some other girl, clearly. Otherwise he'd just have come out and said what he was doing without the need for a riddle.
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By Console
Munki Bhoy wrote:9 x 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 / 9

Console wrote:(9 + 9/9)^((9 + 9)/9)

It's just occurred to me that both mine and Munki Bhoy's 'single 9' solutions for 'All the nines' can have the 9s replaces with another number and still both equal 100 (the number I leave as a fun exercise to the reader).
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By Zoot
Are we not pm'ing the answers anymore then?
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By jocky85
I pm'ed mine, but thought it might be wrong straight after I sent it!
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By foot-loose
Console wrote:
Munki Bhoy wrote:9 x 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 / 9

Console wrote:(9 + 9/9)^((9 + 9)/9)

It's just occurred to me that both mine and Munki Bhoy's 'single 9' solutions for 'All the nines' can have the 9s replaces with another number and still both equal 100 (the number I leave as a fun exercise to the reader).

You've just made my brain bleed.
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By MK Chris
I have two...

  1. Two mothers and two daughters go out for lunch. They order a rectangular pizza and divide it into equal parts with five straight cuts. They then each had an equal share of the pizza. How is this possible?
  2. Two mothers and two daughters go out for lunch. They order six slices of pizza and can share them equally between them. How is this possible?

Answers on a PM please.
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By Yudster
If I could draw it I'm sure the first one would be easy. The second one IS easy.
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By Zoot
See, I reckon both the answers are exactly the same...
  • 1
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8

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