Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Johnny 1989
foot-loose wrote:What are you talking about? Who are you?

She's talking about the new companion Karen Gillian
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By foot-loose
Is that the spoiler that I've managed to avoid since I heard there was a spoiler I should avoid?
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By Munki Bhoy
No, that would be the announcement of who the assistant is. The spoiler is something else.
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By Johnny 1989
Yeah, just don't go to the previous page, you'll avoid the spoiler if you don't go back a page :)
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By Ed Pummelon
The thread from foots about the BBC Autumn Schedule reminded me to come back and dig this thread up - for those that are interested and haven't yet seen it, the BBC have released a pic of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in costume as their new characers, as filming for the new series started today -

There's also some quotes from the main players, and the paps have already been on set: The Sun and the Daily Mail have some shots from behind the scenes. One of the pics in The Sun slideshow reveals a returning actor / actress to the show, so tread carefully if you don't want to know...
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By Yudster
Brown tweed jacket and a crappy fuzzy bow tie? For goodness sake what are they THINKING??!!
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:Brown tweed jacket and a crappy fuzzy bow tie? For goodness sake what are they THINKING??!!

Nothing wrong with that, it's a sort of nod back to Troughton:


Obviously, minus the tartan trousers :D
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By Yudster
I KNOW! That's a big part of the problem! Why reference something that old and silly? The "old" Doctors were all sort of silly, comedic, novelty type characters. The new ones have been better, more dynamic, more believeable as "action heroes", in keeping with the new approach to the stories and the production values of the show. Why hark back to the clowning around days? I don't want the wobbly plastic sets, crap special effects, appallingly bad fight scenes and the stupid dialogue back, why do I want the cartoon image back?
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By Ed Pummelon
Talking of old props, the Tardis has had a bit of a makeover to make it closer to the original William Hartnell version. Nothing major, just white window frames and the St. John's Ambulance logo back on the door as far as I can tell.

I'l get my coat...
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By Zoot
I've seen the new pictures, is Doctor Who a Maths teacher now?
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:I KNOW! That's a big part of the problem! Why reference something that old and silly? The "old" Doctors were all sort of silly, comedic, novelty type characters. The new ones have been better, more dynamic, more believeable as "action heroes", in keeping with the new approach to the stories and the production values of the show. Why hark back to the clowning around days? I don't want the wobbly plastic sets, crap special effects, appallingly bad fight scenes and the stupid dialogue back, why do I want the cartoon image back?

As someone who has seen all stories (that survive) that is far from the truth (well except for McCoy's Doctor, that one never worked for me, no matter how many times I've tried to get past his jumper). Troughton's Doctor is seen by may fans as one of the definitive Doctors (along with Tom Baker & Jon Pertwee) and there's a lot more to it than "clowning around". The sets weren't all wobbly (That's a myth, it was Crossroads that had the wobbly effects) and not all the effects are that bad at all, neither are the fight scenes. As for the dialogue, I suggest you watch some stories by Terrance Dicks or Robert Holmes, nothing "Cartoon" about either of their stories at all or of several other writers of the classic series. Unfortunately the Sylvester McCoy era has seriously tarnished the reputation of the first 4-6 Doctors, all because of that sodding Candyman!!!

Ed Pummelon wrote:Talking of old props, the Tardis has had a bit of a makeover to make it closer to the original William Hartnell version. Nothing major, just white window frames and the St. John's Ambulance logo back on the door as far as I can tell.

I'l get my coat...

No you're right, it is a homage to the Hartnell version, with the white window frames & St John's Ambulance logo.
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By Yudster
Johnny 1989 wrote:
Yudster wrote:I KNOW! That's a big part of the problem! Why reference something that old and silly? The "old" Doctors were all sort of silly, comedic, novelty type characters. The new ones have been better, more dynamic, more believeable as "action heroes", in keeping with the new approach to the stories and the production values of the show. Why hark back to the clowning around days? I don't want the wobbly plastic sets, crap special effects, appallingly bad fight scenes and the stupid dialogue back, why do I want the cartoon image back?

As someone who has seen all stories (that survive) that is far from the truth (well except for McCoy's Doctor, that one never worked for me, no matter how many times I've tried to get past his jumper). Troughton's Doctor is seen by may fans as one of the definitive Doctors (along with Tom Baker & Jon Pertwee) and there's a lot more to it than "clowning around". The sets weren't all wobbly (That's a myth, it was Crossroads that had the wobbly effects) and not all the effects are that bad at all, neither are the fight scenes. As for the dialogue, I suggest you watch some stories by Terrance Dicks or Robert Holmes, nothing "Cartoon" about either of their stories at all or of several other writers of the classic series. Unfortunately the Sylvester McCoy era has seriously tarnished the reputation of the first 4-6 Doctors, all because of that sodding Candyman!!!

Don't be a tit, I was there. I saw the damn things when they first aired, I grew up with the stupid programme. Which is why during the time it was off and from time to time there was a campaign to get it brought back, I never ever understood why.

As for wobbly sets - whole wall in the Tardis moved to reveal its construction once (that was in a Jon Pertwee episode), in the Patrick Troughton days the baddies costumes used to fall apart in mid scene, the action sequences were laughable - and these things were just standard. I have seen all these too, my mum and older brother remember them too, and many many more. It was absolute rubbish.

I wholeheartedly agree with you about Sylvester McCoy.
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:
Yudster wrote:I KNOW! That's a big part of the problem! Why reference something that old and silly? The "old" Doctors were all sort of silly, comedic, novelty type characters. The new ones have been better, more dynamic, more believeable as "action heroes", in keeping with the new approach to the stories and the production values of the show. Why hark back to the clowning around days? I don't want the wobbly plastic sets, crap special effects, appallingly bad fight scenes and the stupid dialogue back, why do I want the cartoon image back?

As someone who has seen all stories (that survive) that is far from the truth (well except for McCoy's Doctor, that one never worked for me, no matter how many times I've tried to get past his jumper). Troughton's Doctor is seen by may fans as one of the definitive Doctors (along with Tom Baker & Jon Pertwee) and there's a lot more to it than "clowning around". The sets weren't all wobbly (That's a myth, it was Crossroads that had the wobbly effects) and not all the effects are that bad at all, neither are the fight scenes. As for the dialogue, I suggest you watch some stories by Terrance Dicks or Robert Holmes, nothing "Cartoon" about either of their stories at all or of several other writers of the classic series. Unfortunately the Sylvester McCoy era has seriously tarnished the reputation of the first 4-6 Doctors, all because of that sodding Candyman!!!

Don't be a tit, I was there. I saw the damn things when they first aired, I grew up with the stupid programme. Which is why during the time it was off and from time to time there was a campaign to get it brought back, I never ever understood why.

As for wobbly sets - whole wall in the Tardis moved to reveal its construction once (that was in a Jon Pertwee episode), in the Patrick Troughton days the baddies costumes used to fall apart in mid scene, the action sequences were laughable - and these things were just standard. I have seen all these too, my mum and older brother remember them too, and many many more. It was absolute rubbish.

I wholeheartedly agree with you about Sylvester McCoy.

As someone who has watched the New Series first & then went back to the classic series afterwards I have to say I think that the classic series is better. Yes I'll admit the monsters costumes did sometimes break, yes the odd set did wobble but not nowhere as near as you remember. I have watched several classic series stories of recent (Caves Of Androzani, Remembrance Of The Daleks, & The Talons Of Weng-Chiang) and with the exception of a brief dodgy monster in the first & third story, there is nothing wrong with the stories on the whole. The new series also isn't imune to dodgy effects either (the monster in The Lazuras Experiment is an example of bad CGI).

Fair enough you may not be a fan but write if all off as absolute rubbish is silly. I like all Who but I find the classic series have a better replay value compared to the modern series. With the modern series I think Series 1 is excellent as is Series 4 & Series 3 is very good. However I watched back Series 2 about six months ago & remembered what an annoying pain in the arse Rose became.

Anyway at least we agree with McCoy :lol:
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By Yudster
Still hated it though. And I love the new ones, from Ecclestone onwards. I'm still worried about Matt Smith. I hope they haven't reduced him to a bumbling oddity. The Doctor needs to be attractive and desirable these days.
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:Still hated it though. And I love the new ones, from Ecclestone onwards. I'm still worried about Matt Smith. I hope they haven't reduced him to a bumbling oddity. The Doctor needs to be attractive and desirable these days.

Fair enough, I used to hate it (being born in 1983 my only memories of it was McCoy bumbling around the set) although Tom, Pat & Colin are the ones that got me into the classic series.

Matt Smith I think will be great, as will Karen, I have faith in the Moff :)

As for attractiveness, Ecclestone, really? :lol:
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By Yudster
Yes, I like a good nose on a man. Ask Quincy.
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:Yes, I like a good nose on a man. Ask Quincy.

:lol: Yeah I remember when Nancy comments on that in The Empty Child Part 1, Eccleston was a great Doctor, shame he didn't do more than one series
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By Yudster
Chris Ecclestone never does more than a single series of anything, he does it on purpose. My brother's worked with him, he says its a deliberate personal choice so he doesn't get too comfortable with anything - he reckons a certain level of fear and tension is necessary for him to do his best work!
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:Chris Ecclestone never does more than a single series of anything, he does it on purpose. My brother's worked with him, he says its a deliberate personal choice so he doesn't get too comfortable with anything - he reckons a certain level of fear and tension is necessary for him to do his best work!

Fair enough, I'll be honest I prefer him to Tennant, sometimes Tennant can be a bit too much at times, Eccleston however doesn't he seems to just get on with it. Watchign back several stories of his of recent, I had forgot just how good he was, and oddly enough when Smith takes over in 2010 it'll be six years since he was The Doctor.
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By Yudster
Agreed. Hey, that's good isn't it?!
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:Agreed. Hey, that's good isn't it?!

Yep we at least agree on something in regards to Doctor Who :lol:
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By Yudster
Since you changed your avatar to that unhappy looking female I keep forgetting that you are a bloke. I should know better, I've had to explain to enough people that I am not actually a vampire.
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By Munki Bhoy
Yudster wrote:Since you changed your avatar to that unhappy looking female I keep forgetting that you are a bloke. I should know better, I've had to explain to enough people that I am not actually a vampire.

You're not? Shit.
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:Since you changed your avatar to that unhappy looking female I keep forgetting that you are a bloke. I should know better, I've had to explain to enough people that I am not actually a vampire.

:lol: Yeah I should probably change it.

foot-loose wrote:I also dislike your new avatar Johnny. Have a word.

Alrite, alrite, I'll try & find a picture of her smiling :D

For now however...
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