- Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:04 am

Game Three.
The rules:
1. Which fruit is often put on a stick, covered in a thin layer of toffee and sold at fairgrounds?
A: Watermelon
B: Lemon
C: Apple
D: Banana
2. Which of these is a phrase for 'bad luck'?
A: Rancid fish paste
B: Hard cheese
C: Rotten tomatoes
D: Smelly onions
3. Which letter is represented by three dashes in Morse Code?
A: S
B: A
C: O
D: L
4. Complete the line from the song 'Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through...'?
A: The glade
B: The den
C: The woods
D: The glen
5. Which nomadic herders of reindeer inhabit the region of northern Scandinavia?
A: Tuareg
B: Lapps
C: Eskimos
D: Berbers
6. What is the most number of crosses that can appear in a standard game of noughts and crosses?
A: Three
B: Four
C: Five
D: Six
7. What is often found pickled in a bottle of cactus-based Mexican Mascal spirit?
A: Grasshopper
B: Worm
C: Moth
D: Wasp
8. Which gas constitutes the largest percentage of the air we breath?
A: Oxygen
B: Nitrogen
C: Hydrogen
D: Carbon Dioxide
9. How many pieces are on a backgammon board at the start of a game?
A: None
B: Two
C: Fifteen
D: Thirty
10. Which planet was discovered in 1846?
A: Pluto
B: Uranus
C: Neptune
D: Mercury
11. According to the rhyme, which day's child has far to go?
A: Sunday's
B: Monday's
C: Tuesday's
D: Wednesday's
E: Thursday's
F: Friday's
G: Saturday's
H: Sunday's
12. How many children did Queen Victoria have?
A: 3
B: 9
C: 2
D: 0
E: 6
F: 4
G: 11
H: 1
13. Which of these is not one of the seven deadly sins?
A: Pride
B: Greed
C: Selfishness
D: Lust
E: Wrath
F: Envy
G: Sloth
H: Gluttony
14. Who are you frightened of if you are pentheraphobic?
A: Your father
B: Your father-in-law
C: Your lawyer
D: Your hairdresser
E: Your neighbour
F: Your mother-in-law
G: Your dentist
H: Your doctor
15. What does the F stand for in the former President John F Kennedy's name?
A: Fitzgerald
B: Fitzpatrick
C: Frank
D: Francis
E: Fletcher
F: Franklyn
G: Fanquyer
H: Nothing

Game Three.
The rules:
- There are three rounds in each game. Each question is harder than the one before it. That said, they are only hard if you don't know the answer!
- Each question in round one is worth 5 points, round two is 10 points and round three is 15 points.
- Checking your answers is not allowed (i.e. googling them). This is only for fun so I shall trust that you haven't cheated.
- However, you have two chances to get help throughout the quiz. These lifelines take the form of being allowed to check two of your answers (i.e. on Google or Wikipedia), but you need to indicate that you have done so. These answers will only get you five points each, regardless of which round they are in.
- To give your answers, please reply with only the question number and the letter A, B, C or D. This way it shouldn't be spoiled for those answering after you. I'll probably not give the correct answers for a couple of days. If you are taking part in the championship, please get your answers in sooner than later - answers posted after the results are up will not count.
- I will post you your score out of 15 and the number of points you have received. The points will go into the leaderboard. Unfortunately, I can't promise to tell you which ones you personally got correct or wrong.
- The quiz masters decision is final (unless you can convince me otherwise!)
1. Which fruit is often put on a stick, covered in a thin layer of toffee and sold at fairgrounds?
A: Watermelon
B: Lemon
C: Apple
D: Banana
2. Which of these is a phrase for 'bad luck'?
A: Rancid fish paste
B: Hard cheese
C: Rotten tomatoes
D: Smelly onions
3. Which letter is represented by three dashes in Morse Code?
A: S
B: A
C: O
D: L
4. Complete the line from the song 'Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through...'?
A: The glade
B: The den
C: The woods
D: The glen
5. Which nomadic herders of reindeer inhabit the region of northern Scandinavia?
A: Tuareg
B: Lapps
C: Eskimos
D: Berbers
6. What is the most number of crosses that can appear in a standard game of noughts and crosses?
A: Three
B: Four
C: Five
D: Six
7. What is often found pickled in a bottle of cactus-based Mexican Mascal spirit?
A: Grasshopper
B: Worm
C: Moth
D: Wasp
8. Which gas constitutes the largest percentage of the air we breath?
A: Oxygen
B: Nitrogen
C: Hydrogen
D: Carbon Dioxide
9. How many pieces are on a backgammon board at the start of a game?
A: None
B: Two
C: Fifteen
D: Thirty
10. Which planet was discovered in 1846?
A: Pluto
B: Uranus
C: Neptune
D: Mercury
11. According to the rhyme, which day's child has far to go?
A: Sunday's
B: Monday's
C: Tuesday's
D: Wednesday's
E: Thursday's
F: Friday's
G: Saturday's
H: Sunday's
12. How many children did Queen Victoria have?
A: 3
B: 9
C: 2
D: 0
E: 6
F: 4
G: 11
H: 1
13. Which of these is not one of the seven deadly sins?
A: Pride
B: Greed
C: Selfishness
D: Lust
E: Wrath
F: Envy
G: Sloth
H: Gluttony
14. Who are you frightened of if you are pentheraphobic?
A: Your father
B: Your father-in-law
C: Your lawyer
D: Your hairdresser
E: Your neighbour
F: Your mother-in-law
G: Your dentist
H: Your doctor
15. What does the F stand for in the former President John F Kennedy's name?
A: Fitzgerald
B: Fitzpatrick
C: Frank
D: Francis
E: Fletcher
F: Franklyn
G: Fanquyer
H: Nothing