Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Yudster
Oh I used to like it when everyone was mean to each other all the time. Its so NICE around here these days.
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:Oh I used to like it when everyone was mean to each other all the time. Its so NICE around here these days.

I didn't read that post prior to posting my post so I'm basically agreeing with you.
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By foot-loose
Fowler wrote:
Yudster wrote:Oh I used to like it when everyone was mean to each other all the time. Its so NICE around here these days.
That is mainly due to the fact that Viv isn't here any longer.

Love her or hate her, Viv provided a lot of entertainment round these parts. The board is a lot quieter since her departure.

I've been trying to work out if that's a good thing or not.
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By foot-loose
She was... in fact, probably still is... utterly mental.
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By Yudster
I was talking more about the kind of baseline scathingness with which the likes of Gaspode and Sidders used to treat each other and everyone else. It was never personal, they were like it with everyone, even the people they liked, and when new people joined you had to put up or shut up really. The fact that they and others are now gone probably means that there are more people posting here now, but the level of wit in their posts is sadly lacking.
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By Zoot
I used to like Viv too. She hates me though.
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By Yudster
Really? She absolutely loves me.
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By Yudster
You off?
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By Yudster
Course you are. It falls apart every time you disappear.
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By Boboff
I think you get foredom, it's boredom of a forum........
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