- Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:54 pm
Does anyone know if there will be a Chris Moyles Xmas Day show? I was really annoyed with Radio 1 for there not being one last year.
bradcali wrote:12 hours is a bit much to listen to in one day TBH.(also most of us will be asleep till afterboon).Coul;dnt u chop it into 4 3-hour chunks and put it on every day between xmas and n ew years day? Itl probably just be Annie Mac or someone on anyway
bradcali wrote:12 hours is a bit much to listen to in one day TBH.(also most of us will be asleep till afterboon).Coul;dnt u chop it into 4 3-hour chunks and put it on every day between xmas and n ew years day? Itl probably just be Annie Mac or someone on anyway
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.
chrysostom wrote:My list runs as such:
and i don't like giving cheap gifts
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.
Bas wrote:She's the Tina Daheley of chrismoyles.net
bradcali wrote:Christmas day and new years day for me is the same. I get up in the afternoon, have a few drinks then go to my parents house for dinner and Doctor Who on the telly. My mum's a good cook. I cant cook a thing. If they came round to my house they'd have pot noodle on toast. I believe the word 'christmas' should not even be mentioned before December 1st though. I will start my xmas shopping on saturday December 19th, maybe I'll put the decorations up the night before. Incidentally, will Chris be taking 3 weeks off like last xmas?
foot-loose wrote: you really can be quite gay sometimes Toph
chrysostom wrote:and i don't like giving cheap gifts
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.
Yudster wrote:chrysostom wrote:and i don't like giving cheap gifts
I don't care about how much or little a gift will cost me, I just don't like giving thoughtless gifts. I hate getting them too. As a result, I don't really get gifts for all the random family members who pop up at Christmas - I don't know them well enough to get them something appropriate, and to me, just giving someone a generic pressie, the kind of thing people buy five of so they have something to give the person they forgot about, is pointless and bordering on insulting. When I first got married I was horrified to realise that we were expected to exchange gifts with people we never saw or heard from from one year to the next, and I tried really hard to get things that would be well received. I shopped with some thought and feeling. We were given toiletries sets, scented candles, various "gift pack" type things - the kind of thing I am not the slightest bit interested in receiving, because it just underlines the pointlessness of this generalised gift-giving frenzy. If you don't know me well enough to get me something that you know I will like, don't get me anything at all. Because I won't be getting you anything, I wouldn't be so rude.
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.
foot-loose wrote:Get 'em a big box of chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate.
Bas wrote:She's the Tina Daheley of chrismoyles.net
chrysostom wrote:there goes my gift of a footlong.
foot-loose wrote:Big * or no *, no "lol's" allowed. NEVA!