- Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:04 pm
I'm not sure what people think "middle class" is actually. Going by the accepted "class system" which used to operate in Britain then people like my friends Quinlan and Christine, and Mary and Nick, who are professional couples, very highly paid, from wealthy backgrounds with massive houses and public school (as opposed to merely independant/private school) educated children are middle class (if admittedly upper-middle). Richard Bacon, along with pretty much everyone else in Britain these days, seems to equate having a decent house, decent job, couple of cars and membership of the local golf club as being middle class. It really isn't.
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.