- Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:55 pm
I liked Angelo a lot, but I used to get just as frustrated with him as I do with Chris - if you have a lot of weight to lose (and they both still do), and you are actually adjusting your life in order to lose it, you definitely should be losing significant amounts (3lb+) every fortnight. If you aren't losing that weight then you aren't really trying. Angelo had something of an excuse with the baby and everything, but only to a certain extent. And I don't care how much running and "training" Chris does, if he keeps drinking beer even two or three times a week and doesn't take far more care with what he eats than he seems to do, he isn't going to lose any more. He keeps saying how he has lost two stone in the last year - but he was saying he had lost two stone after he came back from Kilimanjaro. So basically he hasn't lost any significant weight since then. It seems a hell of a lot of effort to go to with the running and everything for such negligible results, especially when someone with as much weight to lose as he had (has) should be able to lose considerably more than 2 stone in a whole year. If they are serious about it.
Last edited by Yudster on Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Charlalottie on Twitter wrote:Just remembered that I played pool with a satanist last night. Really should go out on a Friday more often.
Charlalottie wrote:Had a good night last night. We lost the pub quiz but had my hair plaited by a viking.