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Do you listen to the Lunchtime/Teatime Newsbeat

Lunchtime Newsbeat
No votes
Teatime Newsbeat
No votes
Sometimes Lunchtime
Sometimes Teatime
Are they worth the time/effort/money? What's your opinion on them? Also, could anyone record a 1245/1745 Newsbeat for me? It would be great to receive. Anyway, how many people do actually listen. I listened to the Teatime one today, while cooking tea. BTW, I just thought of the 'Teatime Newsbeat' logo. So, get voting
I think it's a great program, and as I listen to it quite a lot, it's really easy to remember when you login to this forum.
The 15 minute Newsbeat programmes are pretty bad. They ignore a lot of news in favour of topics, or themes, or campaigns - thats not what a news programme should do. And what they do report is so diluted and dumbed down, at best its not worth listening to and at worst its downright misleading. Newsbeat have on more than one occasion that I've heard gone to such incredible lengths to reduce a piece of news to a level that can be understood by the lowest common denominator that they have ended up actually reporting the facts wrongly. That's really unacceptable.

The four minute news slots in the normal programming aren't so bad - they don't have to fill much time so they don't have to worry about using words with less than three syllables in order to make themselves understood, or turn the news into something digestable for morons by trying to make it entertaining.

Sat and today are up