Topher did your last cat die?!
Bit of a long story.
She was sitting out the front in our neighbour's front garden, my neighbour went outside when he saw an Alsation approach his front garden, he closed the gate quickly, unfortunately there were two Alsations, the other which my neighbour didn't see. The second Alsation grabbed her round the head, shook her violently and ran off with her.
My Dad found her two streets away outside the local county court, which opposite has a church & graveyard. Although not signs of blood, etc. My Dad said that it was clear the dog broke her neck & she probably died instantly. My Dad was very upset about it at the time, and since then won't have any more cats, she was only 4 years old as well.
It became apparent afterwards that these two Alsations were father & son and kept escaping someone's back garden, about 30 streets away, The Police knew of the dogs but because they hadn't attacked humans they couldn't do nothing about it, the owners said they didn't know that they had escaped. Oddly enough near the time it happened quite a few missing posters for cats & small dogs were posted round town for a while.
Regards, Johnny 1989
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