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By RyanBridgwood
I see from Carrie's twitter that she has moved house and that she has left Yorkshire, does this mean she has perhaps moved back to London in preparation for coming back to The Chris Moyles Show in February?

We know she loved being in Yorkshire, so she has obviously moved elsewhere for a reason.
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By chrysostom
her 12 months would be up quite soon : if that's the case i've got mixed feelings as i like carrie, but i feel her main dynamic was with rachel, and i've grown quite fond of tina's laugh.

when tina came out with 'didn't you meet her in bangor' i was literally floored with laughter
By RyanBridgwood
chrysostom wrote:her 12 months would be up quite soon : if that's the case i've got mixed feelings as i like carrie, but i feel her main dynamic was with rachel, and i've grown quite fond of tina's laugh.

when tina came out with 'didn't you meet her in bangor' i was literally floored with laughter

Yep, Tina started on Feb 15th I think it was. You're right about her dynamic with Rachel, but it would be interesting to hear her with Sam.

But I also have grown to love Tina, that Bangor like was a classic! It would be odd just to have her go.

I'm friends with Aled on Facebook, as are 4,000+ other people and he's friends with Carrie, you cannot see her profile or anything but you can see it says "Lives in London"...
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By dimtimjim
Ey-up Chris, long time no see!! Welcome back!!

Carrie was great, but i too have grown fond of tiny-tina. I think either way i'd be happy....

yeah, tina started 14th feb last year didn't she, valentines day....
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By Yudster
Carrie is an Army wife so realistically its fair to suppose that a lot of her domestic circumstances are going to be dictated by Captain Underpants's situation at any given time. But I would like her to come back.
By bmstinton93
I cant see her returning for some reason i think she might go to 5 live but i would like to see her return as i prefer her to tina but i will still be sad to see tina go. Will she go back to Westwood?
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By Travis Bickle
I have mixed feelings on this. I would like Carrie to come back, but I dont wat Tina to go. Either way I cant see herreturning. It would seem a bit pointless changing things in February when in all likelihood the show is ending in the summer.
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By jamiec21
Carrie's job wasn't solely with The Chris Moyles Show was it? I'm guessing she has the same BBC journalists contract as Tina, and will return and the end of her maternity leave.
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By Travis Bickle
jamiec21 wrote:Carrie's job wasn't solely with The Chris Moyles Show was it? I'm guessing she has the same BBC journalists contract as Tina, and will return and the end of her maternity leave.

I agree. They are employed by the BBC not by the show.
By bmstinton93
Perhaps she may even move on to TV then as I think she has presented BBC News a couple of times in the past.
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By Travis Bickle
RyanBridgwood wrote:Nothing to suggest that at all Travis.

I think most people either expect, or think it likely, that the show will finish at the end of Chris's current contract.
By bmstinton93
I'm not actually sure. I think they will just keep putting him on a one year contract every year until the ratings drop or he decides to leave which at currently isn't looking too likely as recently he has stated various times that he still loves the job and the BBC still want him. I think he mentioned that on This Morning a few weeks ago.
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By Travis Bickle
bmstinton93 wrote:I'm not actually sure. I think they will just keep putting him on a one year contract every year until the ratings drop or he decides to leave which at currently isn't looking too likely as recently he has stated various times that he still loves the job and the BBC still want him. I think he mentioned that on This Morning a few weeks ago.

It goes without saying that I hope he does stay, but the show has to end at some point and next year seems quite likely to me. I may well be reading too much into it, but Chris was talking recently about a guest coming in next september (I think) and when someone pointed out to him that it's not certain he will be at R1 then Chris said something about the guest then having to come to New York.

And considering the speculation that he is off to Sirius, I thought that was quite revealing. Or it could be that I am talking total BS, that I mis-heard, or that Chris was being sarcastic. Either way, it just seems like it's coming to an end some time soon.
By bmstinton93
Could you really imagine Chris moving out of the country and living in New York?

I can't myself. I think he likes to be in this country and I think he is quite a family man even if he doesn't show it and he goes to visit his parents quite a lot.
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By Travis Bickle
bmstinton93 wrote:Could you really imagine Chris moving out of the country and living in New York?

I can't myself. I think he likes to be in this country and I think he is quite a family man even if he doesn't show it and he goes to visit his parents quite a lot.

Prior to him saying that, no I couldnt. Anyway, I hope he stays at R1 for many years to come. The day he leaves will be a sad day indeed.
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By DaveBedford
I hope Tina stays. Anyway I can imagine Carrie if she did come back getting pregnant again soon.

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By J.E.D
DaveBedford wrote:Anyway I can imagine Carrie if she did come back getting pregnant again soon.


What are you trying to say!? :D
By R94N
It would be nice to see her come back, although like most people here I like Tina.
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By Ilovematt
If Carrie did come back I do not think I could put up with her screaming again.
By Moyles=Legend
railybrees wrote:Carrie White is a lonely girl and very shy teenager with telekinetic powers who is slowly pushed to the brink of insanity by frequent bullying from both classmates at her school, her mother and religious, but violent.

Urm... OK.
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By dimtimjim
My thoughts exactly, what a random post....
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