The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Wykey
foot-loose wrote:Westwood got incredibly irritating very quickly. It was funny when he didn't realise it was funny.

You don't think he realised?
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By Wykey
Arthur wrote:To be honest, when I first heard Celebrity Raspberry I wasn't that impressed with the idea as Celebrity Tarzan was so much better!

Now it's been running for a while I have slowly warmed to it and now quite enjoy the feature.

Celebrity Tarzan was rubbish as well.

I'm not sure if it's the forced mateyness with boring callers that's the worst bit, or the forced hilarity / feigned interest.
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By foot-loose
Wykey wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Westwood got incredibly irritating very quickly. It was funny when he didn't realise it was funny.

You don't think he realised?

Doesn't my post indicate that I think he did?
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By Wykey
foot-loose wrote:
Wykey wrote:
foot-loose wrote:Westwood got incredibly irritating very quickly. It was funny when he didn't realise it was funny.

You don't think he realised?

Doesn't my post indicate that I think he did?


You seem to think he doesn't realise. Which surprised me.
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By foot-loose
I think when it first started, he unwittingly made mistakes which were funny. I think as these mistakes got played, he knew they were getting laughs and so deliberatly made more mistakes. At this point it just got stupid and was no longer funny. Basically it was funny the first couple of times but should never have been kept on for the length of time it was.
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By Wykey
I see what you mean now.

I tend to agree, but I still find his 'awkwardness' and delivery funny. But then I find Westwood in general helps to pass the time with a smile.

I think the out-takes are probably genuine.

And to be honest any game that Dave's in charge of gets my vote. It was certainly miles better than the tripe that is 'celebrities' making funny noises. Especially as that's been boiled down to a 'name the last two month's guests one by one' game of roulette.
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By foot-loose
It wouldn't have lasted so long if it wasn't popular. Which is pretty much how I manage to cope with Mills still being on the air. To be honest, Where Am I could have been a Mills feature.

Wykey wrote:And to be honest any game that Dave's in charge of gets my vote. It was certainly miles better than the tripe that is 'celebrities' making funny noises. Especially as that's been boiled down to a 'name the last two month's guests one by one' game of roulette.

Canna argue with you there! It does have a cool jingle though.
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By Wykey

I've asked them a couple of times if they can group all the music up and play it t the start of the show so I can get more of a lie in.

The cheesy song, with a straight-to-air funny noise game would be ideal - I reckon I'd get three snoozes before I had to get up properly....
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By McGuinness-89
foot-loose wrote:Maybes they should just drop the feature and play the jingle a couple of times. That would be fine with me.

Birthday Corner anyone?
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By Yudster
Duck Register was better than Birthday Corner.
By bmstinton93
foot-loose wrote:Yuds - you only heard Duck Register twice. Therefore you're not allowed an opinion.

How can you only have heard that twice?! They did it enough!
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By Yudster
Its to do with the part of the show I listen to - I was rarely around for it, but I caught it live about twice and I often heard it on Listen Again, but I don't count that. Anyway I quite liked it.
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By McGuinness-89
John22 wrote:Birthday Corner died an untimely death, I feel.

It had maybe the greatest jingle in the history of radio, but that was about all it had going for it.
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By MK Chris
I want the return of Barack O Bingo Bama.
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By Termy
Birthday Corner, Celebrity Rasberry, Duck Register, Carpark Catchphrase... I like all these little games that they come up with. Especially when they have ridiculous jingles too.
Know what I think should return? Rachel, and her Celebrity Cough, which everyone loved ever so much(!)
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By dimtimjim
I too miss rachel, but shit changes man!
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