The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By dimtimjim
I note we can now have threads which if anyone else posts in you can nod-a-mod to remove them all......

Kinda makes the forum format a little pointless, but hey-ho.....
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By dimtimjim
And.....? Your point being?

Hang on while I run crying to a mod now you've ruined my thread.
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By dimtimjim
Once again, your point being?
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By dimtimjim
Really? Not sure how it'd apply, but you knock yaself out.
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By Nicola_Red
Nothing has changed, to wit:

Anyone can start a thread and post however many times they want in it before anyone else gets chance.

Ben's thread serves a purpose much like Johnny1989's Moyles/M&L Archive thread and that's why it's been changed in the same way (Johnny asked me to lock his thread to prevent further posts in it before I did the same in Ben's).

I gave people a chance to keep their posts if they wanted to.

I'm happy to lock this thread if you like Tim. You just have to rely on me being online when you want it unlocked, as Ben has.
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By Nicola_Red
We're not. Believe me, if you wanna look at some forums where they have a system of banning people for periods of time for even saying something slightly irritable to another member, you will see that we're very lax indeed. All this was about was Ben wanting to create a celeb raspberry archive thread that he could keep just for that.
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By dimtimjim
nicola_red wrote:I'm happy to lock this thread if you like Tim.

Thanks Nic, but i'm not daft enough to expect private storage in a public place. If and when I want private storage I shall use one of the many formats available to me. But, cheers anyway.
By bmstinton93
I'd just like to say that a celebrity raspberry archive has been requested by a couple of people on here and has also been mentioned on the show as needing one so I'm just helping people out
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By dimtimjim
nicola_red wrote: All this was about was Ben wanting to create a celeb raspberry archive thread that he could keep just for that.

And its that which has annoyed me. Thread. The clue is in the title. Tis an open format for discussion, not exclusive media storage. I have no problem with Ben and his collection of pretty pictures, what I have an issue on is my posts, in a 'thread' being removed for someones artistic licence!!
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By Nicola_Red
But why have you never complained about the sound archive threads in S&V Requests being operated in the same way?
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By dimtimjim
I never complain about things i'm unaware of!
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By dimtimjim
No need mate, there really isn't. I was trying to make a point. I like your pretty pictures, I really do, just been unaware of thread exclusitivity before and believe it contradicts the format, thats all.
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By dimtimjim
Discussion threads.

this format, right here, is for us all to add our thoughts and comments. You may not like, or apprciate the responses you get, but it is at least an open format.
Last edited by dimtimjim on Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By catherine
nicola_red wrote:We're not. Believe me, if you wanna look at some forums where they have a system of banning people for periods of time for even saying something slightly irritable to another member, you will see that we're very lax indeed. All this was about was Ben wanting to create a celeb raspberry archive thread that he could keep just for that.

It's heavy compared to how we used to be modded, I just think all the messing is unnecessary.
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By dimtimjim
bmstinton93 wrote:If I specify that it isn't a discussion thread would that make you happy?

No, if you set up a photobucket (or similar) account and add pretty pictures to your hearts content, then start a thread with a link to your hard work - which you understand you cannot control the thoughts/responses of others to, then that will.

Look Ben, you seem nice enough (yes I know I mock you but its all in jest), and your pictures are v.nice and no doubt took you time to collaborate, but my point regarding removed posts still stands.
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By Nicola_Red
catherine wrote:It's heavy compared to how we used to be modded, I just think all the messing is unnecessary.

Yeah, maybe in general. But in this case I just wanted to help Ben with a thread that I think is a good idea and has been requested before.
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By DevilsDuck
I don't see the point in having a thread that you can't discuss the subject. So why don't we reserve the first 10 posts for Ben and then leave the rest open?
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