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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:
foot-loose wrote:And I don't buy that Mr Yudster did it in 5 minutes.

It sickens me to say this, but I have no doubt at all that he did. He is stupidly good at this sort of thing naturally, and what he does for a living keeps him in good practice for logic problems and number puzzles. No one has ever given him a sudoku that he couldn't do in no time either. Drives me up the bloody wall.

All in all, about fifteen people have got this right from my facebook, this forum and another forum it was posted. I also gave it to my mates wife*. The quickest I have been told of was "just under half an hour". We were the only team at the pub quiz where there were about fortyish folk playing where we had about two hours to get the answer.

... just sayin'.
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By Yudster
Yep - but unfortunately - and I say unfortunately because I have to live with his smug grin - its definitely true. Confirmed by an equally disgusted person who was there at the time. I hate clever people.
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By dimtimjim
Ha, yeah, c'mon test 'im on that....! (hopes for lesser result)
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By MK Chris
Cat took about half an hour and she never went to school.
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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote: she never went to school.

Ah! Explains the Villa thing.....! :wink:

(I know, asking for it!)
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By Yudster
Bloke in my office who is very bright and a bit of a pub quiz expert (he tells me) did it in about an hour.

foot-loose wrote:What's yer answer for the first question?

I assumed that was a bit of a joke, that silly riddle is a primary school thing!
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:Bloke in my office who is very bright and a bit of a pub quiz expert (he tells me) did it in about an hour.

foot-loose wrote:What's yer answer for the first question?

I assumed that was a bit of a joke, that silly riddle is a primary school thing!

No. That is the more usual standard of question.
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By foot-loose
The answer to the one about what goes up a chimney down but not down a chimney up... an umbrella!

The answer to the other bastard that only a few of you buggers attempted:

C = 8
E = 3
I = 9
N = 2
O = 7
R = 5
S = 6
T = 1
V = 4

This weeks question is much more straight forward. Cat, Ben and Duck have all seen the right answer on Facebook so they are excluded. First person to PM wins my love:

A priest from my home village said that on a particular day, he would walk on the lake for 30 minutes. The lake was not dry and yet we observed him actually walk on water. How?

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By Yudster
foot-loose wrote:The answer to the other bastard that only a few of you buggers attempted:

Oh I attempted it, just failed miserably!
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By foot-loose
So Badger was the ONLY member to get the right answer last week and tell me the lake was frozen. Try harder folks!

So... did we win the quiz again last night? Damn right we did! Work out these space related anagrams:


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By dimtimjim
foot-loose wrote: the lake was frozen.


This was my first thought but I didn't say so as it seemed to obvious!! DOH!
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By Yudster
foot-loose wrote:So Badger was the ONLY member to get the right answer last week and tell me the lake was frozen. Try harder folks!

So... did we win the quiz again last night? Damn right we did! Work out these space related anagrams:



Again, I didn't bother - that's an old riddle that I knew when I was about 6, it has no place in a quiz. Give us proper questions.
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By a-moron
The man's just relaying the wee thinker he gets at the pub quiz each week, irrespective of how easy they are. Keep 'em coming Quiz Master General.
By bmstinton93
Yudster wrote:
foot-loose wrote:So Badger was the ONLY member to get the right answer last week and tell me the lake was frozen. Try harder folks!

So... did we win the quiz again last night? Damn right we did! Work out these space related anagrams:



Again, I didn't bother - that's an old riddle that I knew when I was about 6, it has no place in a quiz. Give us proper questions.

I can give you some integration by parts from my Maths A2 papers if you want...
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By Yudster
I doubt I could do it, but at least it would be worth trying to work it out!
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By foot-loose
Yudster wrote:Again, I didn't bother - that's an old riddle that I knew when I was about 6, it has no place in a quiz. Give us proper questions.

Riddles handn't been invented when you were six. I'm not posting the actual quiz, just the stinker. I've said this to you several times now. Do you understand?
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By Yudster
Its not a stinker though its a silly riddle, or an easily solved anagram - the Tennis one was a stinker, that was good. If I can do it, its too easy basically!
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By Yudster
Have I? I knew the umbrella (but didn't believe you were seriously asking people to answer that one) - I couldn't do the numbers, then you had another riddle that I've known since I was three - again were you really serious about asking people to say whether or not they knew the answer to that? And the current one - well, anagrams are at least fun so I have PMd you the answers. Like I said, if I can do them, they're too easy.

Bring back the Juicy Pear!
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By a-moron
I honestly thought that the answer to the chimney question was smoke so shows how seriously thick I am. The frozen lake one was new to me and took a good few minutes to work it out, even PM'd my answer with a ?. The anagram one was fun with a few minutes spent on that as well. Now I like a juicy pear as much as the next man but I like the pub quiz questions and wouldn't class them as considerably easy.

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