Travis Bickle wrote: Did you see Greg James or the feet up friday guests?
Only through the studio glass, and we were asked not to stand and stare too long!
BBQ wrote: Did anyone say "Lego Hair" to Matt or mention Dom's "Smelly Finger"?
Well... Now here is a funny one. No, no one called Matt lego hair, but I did speak to Matt about its how odd we know so much about them, I explained I was trying my hardest not to be 'over-familiar', but i think still failing! I did compliment Aled on his thighs, and spoke to Matt about 'whos the daddy'. Yes, we talked about the meeting of minds which was Dom/Diaz, and confirmed back to the team it was his best effort to date. I imagine Dom is now on an extremely short list of poeple who've ever said smelly finger to Cam. Leg. End.
That photo, to be fair is not really showing the best of any of us! Can't wait for the full Zoot report. If I can work my new-fangled phone I may set up a photo link myself.
I've actually met Chris n shook his hand. This fact is still causing slight issues in my trouser dept....
Yudster wrote:Best post ever.