The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Nicola_Red wrote:Aled has organised it (along with Matt and Freya) so he won't be participating.

He said this morning that it still could be him, given that it was originally supposed to run for all five days this week, with five challanges. I'm not sure how that was working behind the scenes, maybe Matt and Freya worked on his challenge, and Aled wasn't allowed to know about it. I agree that it probably won't be him now though, as it makes more sense to drop him rather than any of the others. Or else, as Dom suggested, they may double up on a challenge one of the days.
So I haven't heard it yet and may not get the chance to do so today - what happened this morning?
bmstinton93 wrote:If you can watch videos at work just watch this:

You don't really need sound

I wouldn't bother with the visual either. Talk about dull, it's a woman standing in a cherry picker and being raised up quite high and then brought back down. I half heard them talking about Tina facing her fear of heights whilst I was dozing this morning, but didn't heard the actual challenge because I fell back asleep. When I got up later and listened back to the show I was expecting her to have at least climbed up/abseiled down the Radio 1 building, if not done a bungee jump or wing-walk(joke).

I'm not the biggest fan of heights at all, but I wouldn't have found what she did very difficult. I just hope the rest of the challenges will be a little bit more challenging.
Last edited by Emmy on Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Emmy wrote: I was expecting her to have at least climbed up/abseiled down the Radio 1 building

Didn't Vernon do this, albeit not at Radio 1, when Chris was doing Kilimanjaro? I think that's pretty daunting for people without a fear of heights, though it would have been hilarious to watch, even if she backed out.
I liked this new feature, it has potential...however I feel it needs a bit of tweaking to make it right, which will hopefully address some of the issues raised above.

The biggest problem was it was far too visual. I like the live streaming but too often Radio 1 forgets that no matter how many 1000s of viewers they get there will always be at least a hundred times more listening on the radio. The listeners should always be the priority over the viewers. For example, Aled was giving directions to the camera guy today to point the camera at Tina and not Fearne, when really he should have been asking Fearne to describe what was going on better.

This feature would also work well if it was listeners facing their fears. I know this would be a involve a bit more preparation work but it could be pulled off well. Plus it is far more exciting for a listener to be winning a once in a lifetime prize than someone who is BBC staff.

Also will be interested to see if all the challenges are restricted to being local to Radio 1? So much more potential if the challenge was revealed the day before, recorded during the day then broadcast on the following show. (Similar to when Scott did the Sport Relief 'mile a day' challenges) Could involve stuff like bungee jumping/sky diving etc.
Was really hoping Chris' challenge would involve something along the lines of stunt flying with the red arrows. But obviously this would be near impossible to do during the live show.
I thought it was good, with the small possibility of Tina fainting it got be out of bed and to grab the laptop and watch it, can't wait for the rest of this weeks fears!

Will we be getting The Love/Hate Track game tomorrow as well?

Would be great, but i doubt it probably have to get a few playlist tracks in to keep upstairs happy.
ededwards wrote:I liked this new feature, it has potential...however I feel it needs a bit of tweaking to make it right, which will hopefully address some of the issues raised above.

The biggest problem was it was far too visual. I like the live streaming but too often Radio 1 forgets that no matter how many 1000s of viewers they get there will always be at least a hundred times more listening on the radio. The listeners should always be the priority over the viewers. For example, Aled was giving directions to the camera guy today to point the camera at Tina and not Fearne, when really he should have been asking Fearne to describe what was going on better.

This feature would also work well if it was listeners facing their fears. I know this would be a involve a bit more preparation work but it could be pulled off well. Plus it is far more exciting for a listener to be winning a once in a lifetime prize than someone who is BBC staff.

Also will be interested to see if all the challenges are restricted to being local to Radio 1? So much more potential if the challenge was revealed the day before, recorded during the day then broadcast on the following show. (Similar to when Scott did the Sport Relief 'mile a day' challenges) Could involve stuff like bungee jumping/sky diving etc.
Was really hoping Chris' challenge would involve something along the lines of stunt flying with the red arrows. But obviously this would be near impossible to do during the live show.

I dont really want to see listeners facing their fears. Personally I couldn't care less about the fears of someone I don't know whom the show hasn't built up a rapport with.

There are obviously budget issues with your other suggestions, but you have a point about extending it beyond Radio 1 HQ. And the Scott Mills stuff was good in theory, and was quite entertaining in the end, but was also a bit tame.

I thought building the whole thing up so much and then to not actually do anything yesterday was an anti-climax and just didn't work in my opinion. Today with Tina I quite enjoyed, but it had been hyped up so much that I expected a bit more than just going to the top of a relatively low building in a cherry picker. I operate these machines on quite a regular basis, so I know they can be an issue for a lot of people, but it had been over hyped somewhat. She didn't really "scale the building".

I think too many on here have gone a bit OTT with the criticism. It is a good feature that, so far at least, has been blown up into being a bigger deal than it actually is. And I think a lot of people just slate Fearne Cotton almost as a default reaction. She isnt every ones cup of tea, and I am not exactly a fan myself, but no matter what she does some people will slate her.

It will be interesting to see what happens for the rest of the week, but my summary so far is : good feature, but over-hyped.

PS: Bit strange how she wasnt allowed to move the picker into thin air at the start but was allowed to manouvre it towards a building at the end. Neither should be dangerous, but as an operator of these machines I know which one I would have preferred.
Last edited by Travis Bickle on Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Emmy wrote:I'm not the biggest fan of heights at all, but I wouldn't have found what she did very difficult.

You wouldn't find it very difficult because you're not afraid of heights. Which means you have no point of reference in your idea of how difficult it was or wasn't. Which means you don't know what you're talking about.

There's a difference between not being a fan of something and being frightened of it.

I thought the feature was well done and it made me chuckle. Little disappointed no-one really got stuck in and wound her up, but presumably that's because everyone knew it would have been too much.

I'd have enjoyed it more if that bloody Cotton woman wasn't involved mind you.
Travis Bickle wrote: And I think a lot of people just slate Fearne Cotton almost as a default reaction. She isnt every ones cup of tea, and I am not exactly a fan myself, but no matter what she does some people will slate her.

Perhaps that may be true but in this case I think it's valid to ask what the point of her is in this feature?

As I said earlier Aled/Freya or anyone can announce the challenges perhaps there will be an obvious reason with one of the future challenges/prizes but currently it seems a bit pointless having her there. Was it really worth delaying the main start of the feature a day (such an anticlimax after the build up) just so Fearne could do it?

As for tomorrow I'd much rather have the musical tastes game but will listen to see how it goes. I will say this though I'd take a team-led feature over a 'celeb' interview any time.
Personally I thought yesterday was quite good but I think perhaps the tight constraints of health and safety regulations and budget severely affects what you can do with it. I'm looking forward to is on today, right?
Bas wrote:
DarroM wrote:
If I did a face your fear challenge on there, it would be a pretty stupid ass one! I would have to watch The Picture of Dorian Gray (black & white version) since I am scared of the painting in that and what happens in the end of it. A strange one but it's the truth.

This one?

BOO !!!!

Yep, that's the one.Not going to bother having it on my post but you got it. Remember watching it on BBC 2 years ago and that picture just frightening the daylights out of me. Even worse now since that is in colour whereas it was only black & white in the film except for certain parts where it showed colour for blood. People are afraid of heights, spiders, snakes etc. I am afraid of a painting amongst other strange things, which I will not bother telling in case you decide to scare me again! :P
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