The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
i am enjoying the feature.

I know what's it like to be scared of heights. I have it really bad I can't even get on a chair as it off the ground. If there is a concert has to be floor seats. Well Done Tina. Poor Dave doing the terror tunnel.
It's a decent enough feature but hopefully they'll be more descriptive on what is happening for the radio listeners for the rest of the week because they didn't seem to think that when doing Tina's challenge yesterday. It is really more of a visual feature though but at least they will have the chance to check it later even if it just highlights.
poor Dave looked scared
jsnsmith wrote:
Yes. At least it would be watchable !

I agree but i think you may need a reality check.

Maybe if there had been a second camera on the ground it
might have given you a better perspective of what was going on.

Excuse me. A reality check ? I am well aware how tall those buildings are.

Had Tina been in a large unprotected cage, no harness and no man standing beside her it would have been scary.
Ilovematt wrote:Had Tina been in a large unprotected cage, no harness and no man standing beside her it would have been scary.

Or had she had a pathological, inexplicable and uncontrollable panic reaction to the idea and reality of heights, that would have been scary too. Oh hang on.....

You really are quite stupid.
simonpearce wrote:'tunnel of terror' my arse!

*sniggers in manner of Beavis and Butthead*

I'm quite enjoying the feature. I would have loved to do Tina's challenge yesterday, but would have thought twice about Dave's today. You were correct though Simon - it would have been far scarier to shut Dave in the tunnel. There sounded like real fear in his voice when he thought they were going to do that.
They should have called it;

'Face Your Fears - Although It Wont Actually Be That Bad Because BBC Health And Safety Would Never Let Us Get Away With It - Also, If You Can't Watch The Show Live Then Hard Luck Because, Like Most Of Our Highly Planned (apparently) And Overhyped Features, This Was Designed Mainly With The Webcam Audience In Mind'.
I had a feeling this feature wouldnt live up to the hype. The build up was way OTT. It seems the features that have grown organically from the team (such as the Love/Hate track game) work so much better and are entertaining. Dave crawling through a tunnel (and Fearne not actually telling us when he'd done it) is just dull.
I loved the stupidity of todays feature... Crawling through a tunel, most of us master this by about 5 yrs old!!
To be fair, if you're claustrophobic it would be horrific. It made me feel slightly panicky at the thought. It's the fact that on radio it sounds like nothing that's the problem!
I think it said it all for this feature when Dave pointed out that being locked in a box would be FAR more scary than the tunnel was.

I think this feature started badly on Monday (by circumstance or otherwise) and has got progressively worse over the past few days as we've listened to dead radio. Aled tweeted earlier:

I was a bit disappointed with today's #FaceYouFear - it has resulted in an amazing next step though. All 3 are facing fears tomorrow...

So hopefully whatever changes their making for tomorrow improves matters, because it's clear even they know this feature sucks at the moment.
bmstinton93 wrote:I think Fearne was there to give it a sort of tv show type feel with all the introduction to it and everything and i think having her there worked. Its like when Jake Humphrey did disastermind.

I daresay you're right, I just find her annoying to the point of distraction. If she was a man, I'd want to punch her frigging lights out.
Don't be sexist. Just hit her.
Yudster wrote:
Ilovematt wrote:Had Tina been in a large unprotected cage, no harness and no man standing beside her it would have been scary.

Or had she had a pathological, inexplicable and uncontrollable panic reaction to the idea and reality of heights, that would have been scary too. Oh hang on.....

You really are quite stupid.

Sorry .. I am not going to go down to your level and reply to that comment.
simonpearce wrote:'tunnel of terror' my arse!

I'm hugely claustrophobic (won't use lifts, sit in back of 3-door cars, etc) but I'd have no problem crawling through a 5m tunnel with both ends visible and open!

I fully understand that claustrophobia can be very different from person to another but a 5m tunnel?!

Now if they really did shut the ends that would be HELL!

Dead right. Much as I'd have encouraged more goading of Tina, I'd definitely have shut Dave in the box.

They might have had to change the tagline from "face your fear" to "be psychologically tortured into catatonia".

Which isn't quite as catchy.
Munki Bhoy wrote:I think it said it all for this feature when Dave pointed out that being locked in a box would be FAR more scary than the tunnel was.

I think this feature started badly on Monday (by circumstance or otherwise) and has got progressively worse over the past few days as we've listened to dead radio. Aled tweeted earlier:

I was a bit disappointed with today's #FaceYouFear - it has resulted in an amazing next step though. All 3 are facing fears tomorrow...

So hopefully whatever changes their making for tomorrow improves matters, because it's clear even they know this feature sucks at the moment.

They need to do something to improve this farce.
Like I discussed in my previous post, this is a good feature which had so much more potential. I just think they could have been a bit more imaginative with the tasks.

Instead of doing it all in-house live, it would have been better to set the challenge the day before and show what happend the following day. Plus with time to edit it properly we wouldn't have to listen to 5mins of Fearne repeating the same thing over and over.

For example, today for virtually the same cost of getting the BBC props dept. to build a 5m tunnel they could have just taken Dave to a proper caving center.
Munki Bhoy wrote:because it's clear even they know this feature sucks at the moment.

Don't pick a fight - the feedback I'm feeling from here is so different to the feedback on Twitter / Text / from Radio 1 staff.

I was disappointed with how challenge went with Dave. Dave not being THAT scared, the tunnel not looking as bad as it was to experience and the way Dave handles fear which is to grit his teeth and get on with it - and not screaming like the rest of us would. That's it - please don't read anymore into that.

None of the other reasons laid out here bother me. Everyone's entitled to their opinion but that doesn't make things fact. This forum doesn't like it when we try new things, especially when it takes the show out of it's comfort zone. Sticking with the same links day in day out isn't an option. Those genius moments are only genius when they're occasional - a mix of different styles on the show is important. Guests, features, visual projects, soap opera moments, team chat etc

You guys are influential - don't kill features before they've played out. Tina's was great - with tweaks needed - but that's all they were, tweaks. Dave's was Dave (see above) tomorrow Chris, Dom AND Dave will be attempting to face their fears. For me, v exciting and v scary! If a radio show can encourage that kind of feeling - that's huge, and something we should be proud of (I refer you to the formulaic radio of some of our competitors) - even if the 60 - 90second payoff didn't live up to it (which I think it still will btw) that's fine with me.

Defensive rant over.
I almost had to laugh at how desperately both Aled and Fearne were trying, and failing, to create even some small sense of tension with this morning's challenge. The tunnel was another lame idea, but to be fair, it did also involve Dave, so there was never going to be much drama involved. Unfortunately for them, Dave doesn't really do over the top histrionics, or, based on past events, even mild excitement. I'm totally with him on this, but it isn't the best trait to have as a participant in this particular feature.

There's a thread going about 'Face Your Fears' on digitalspy, ... st51092865, they're not big fans of the feature either.

I think one of the comments there is spot on, that being;

'I don't get the whole prizes thing either. I mean if it was really good radio fair enough, but it's not like they've really earnt these prizes, that through their connections they could probably get anyway. Dave=Well known Everton fan, probably knows a few players. Tina's prize was donated by a co-worker in Pete Tong.'

So far none of the prizes have been ones which will make good radio or we will hear on air either, so there's even less of a point to them. Why do they even need prizes at all, surely the knowledge of helping to make good radio (or not as the case has been so far) should be incentive and prize enough :-P

Edit-I've just read Aled's 'defensive rant' in which he makes pretty much the same point as I've done about Dave's personality.
Oh, is there going to be some twist to the prizes, such as them being given away to listeners? I've just been looking at the DS thread again, and the latest post pretty much sums up my thoughts on the whole feature, so I'm going to steal it.

'I am glad I'm not the only one who has found this feature a bit odd.

My main thoughts:

1. The show is still primarily a radio programme and despite streaming the antics on the web, the tasks so far are very 'visual'. It's pretty dull listening to the team saying '...oh look, Tina's doing this.......' when you're stuck on the train listening to a radio programme.

2. The hype last week was building up to a Monday launch - only for this to be deferred until Tuesday due to la Cotton's delayed return from Glastonbury.

3. Awarding 'prizes' to the presenters alienates the listeners. Why should the 'stars of the show' be afforded even more rewards beyond the reach of the average listener just for taking part in this feature.

4. This seems to stretched Aled's braincells one step too far. It must be difficult to come up constantly with new ideas, but this one seems to have failed.

5. More airtime for Fearne Cotton?

6. Even the loyal listeners on the website are having misgivings - and they hardly criticise the show.'

It was all going so well until the very last bit! I take it this person doesn't read this forum too often...
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