The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
bmstinton93 wrote:I bloody wouldn't do this one.

nor would I in a million years. So proud of Chris lets see if Dave can do it
I Wonder what Dom's is tommorow as Fearne said it was worst than this
Chris looked so scared, good on him for doing it. I would have done that challenge. I am not scared of dogs at all. At least Dave did that one he looked more scared of the dog than the tunnel.
think Dom might be today after all, It says on Webcam more Face your fears
McGuinness-89 wrote:Have to agree with most of this, the complete focus on the visual side of things is getting ridiculous, RADIO 1, the clues's in the name.

It works well for interviews and things in the evening, but when such a large percentage of you're audience are stuck in traffic or public transport and you do something so massively visual, it's not really fair.

I listened to Tina and Dave in the car, I didn't feel that way at all.

t could be because I listen to lots of sport on the radio (in fact I prefer listening to it than watching it most of the time), but I don't need to see something to understand what's going on and get an image in my mind.
I am scared of heights but i think I would do it.
Travis Bickle wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:I'd actually quite like to do Dom's challenge.

I would LOVE to do Dom's challenge! That said, it's also a proper challenge for people who dont like planes or heights.

It's a challenge for anyone - given it directly contradicts everything you've learned and directly flies in the face of every survival instinct that evolution has hard-wired into us.
Wykey wrote:
Travis Bickle wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:I'd actually quite like to do Dom's challenge.

I would LOVE to do Dom's challenge! That said, it's also a proper challenge for people who dont like planes or heights.

It's a challenge for anyone - given it directly contradicts everything you've learned and directly flies in the face of every survival instinct that evolution has hard-wired into us.

Yep. True.
So Tina gets a ride on a cherry picker, Dave had to crawl along a 5m long tunnel, Chris (and Dave) got 'attacked' by a semi-retired police dog, and Dom has to JUMP OUT OF A PLANE? I wonder who's challenge the producers spent most of their time on? :D
Last edited by John_Dory on Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Poor Dom, he sounds terrified. I think involving his kids is a bit harsh, I hope he can do it though. I thought Chris and Dave were brilliant today. Big improvement on the feature, although I was watching live for the first time.
McGuinness-89 wrote:Poor Dom, he sounds terrified. I think involving his kids is a bit harsh.

Pish. That's the kind of thing that'd make it funnier.

It's why listening to Lorraine Kelly bawling her eyes out was so good.
Travis Bickle wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:I'd actually quite like to do Dom's challenge.

I would LOVE to do Dom's challenge! That said, it's also a proper challenge for people who dont like planes or heights.

You would be bloody scared though, as would I but the feeling of doing it would feel great. As soon as the parachute is out I would be fine and I would be really enjoying it
bmstinton93 wrote:
Travis Bickle wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:I'd actually quite like to do Dom's challenge.

I would LOVE to do Dom's challenge! That said, it's also a proper challenge for people who dont like planes or heights.

You would be bloody scared though, as would I but the feeling of doing it would feel great. As soon as the parachute is out I would be fine and I would be really enjoying it

Absoloutely. I would be brickin it before jumping, but what an opportunity!
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