The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
I agree, Fire at Will was brilliant radio all those years ago, redoing it for old times sake with cameras didn't make it better than the original - nor was that the intention, surely. We're just living in an online age is all, with people consuming vast proportions of media it's healthy for the show to be out there visually, it's a promotional tool if nothing else, and a bit of a giggle.
Emmy wrote:But poor Dom has really got the rough end of the deal here! His challenge is so much tougher than any of other 'challenges', it hardly seems fair.

I think that's whole point - to give most of the team relatively run-of-the-mill challenges and then surprise Dom (and the audience) with one that is much more difficult. It certainly worked for me.
Aled wrote:
JimLafleur wrote:I would like to add the I listen to the show regularly and really enjoy it. I dont want to sound like I have an issue with the show (or you personally).. just the visual elements, and how regular and predominant they seem to be becoming.

What I ask you to be careful of is ensuring that just because you KNOW there is a visual stream out there you don't go to a feeling of being left out by default.

I take on board what you're saying.. however I'll give you an example from this mornings show (As I'm listening again on the iPlayer)..

Fern was about to make an announcement and preceded it with 'ok, if you can you HAVE to turn on the web-cam now - you REALLY dont want to miss this'.. or something very similar with words to that effect.

I would suggest that as a real and valuable exercise, one of the team members (not broadcasters) should take the day off the next time a heavily visual feature is planned.. and listen to the feature in their car, or from home (not in front of a pc) and give some feedback. While I totally get your comments about ensuring its not approached like a TV show.. and while I'm also not arrogant enough to think that everyone feels the same as me - I think you may realise that as a listener with no visual interaction to these features, its really is easy or us to 'miss the boat', so to speak.

As I can genuinely feel the regulars dislike for me growing by the second (you really CANT mention any negative about the show in these forums), I'm not going to comment again on the subject - and just say thanks for taking the time to explain your thoughts on the matter.

Oh and sorry for the rant about the name.. which I got wrong, my bad.
John_Dory wrote:I think that's whole point - to give most of the team relatively run-of-the-mill challenges and then surprise Dom (and the audience) with one that is much more difficult. It certainly worked for me.

If that was the idea then surely the 'main event' should have gone to Chris, as the star of the show, although I very much doubt he'd have entertained the idea. He'd most likely to have told them to where to go, which is what I think I'd have done in Dom's position today, given the disparity in the challenges!
bmstinton93 wrote:
JimLafleur wrote: (you really CANT mention any negative about the show in these forums)

Well, Travis Bickle is still here and we don't mind him so it proves that your wrong on that front.

Not to mention Dave Bedford!
Nicola_Red wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:
JimLafleur wrote: (you really CANT mention any negative about the show in these forums)

Well, Travis Bickle is still here and we don't mind him so it proves that your wrong on that front.

Not to mention Dave Bedford!

And me? Looking back at my posts I think I've done my fair share of complaining about the show since I joined this forum. I do love it though and could quite possibly hold the record for the longest amount of time to have never missed a show (Afternoon and Breakfast). That should also qualify me for geek status I suppose.
I think someone just flipped the nitros oxide switch on this feature. I bet Chris and Dave were
absolutly bricking it. I couldn't wait to get home and view the videos and pictures to fill in
the gaps the Commentary left out. I think features like this need the videos. It's not like the
cameras are on everyday. There there to view if you want to.

Best of luck Dom for your jump if you do it. Never mind balls of steel, elephant sized balls of steel.
Brown trousers all round today i think.
jsnsmith wrote:I think someone just flipped the nitros oxide switch on this feature. I bet Chris and Dave were
absolutly bricking it. I couldn't wait to get home and view the videos and pictures to fill in
the gaps the Commentary left out. I think features like this need the videos. It's not like the
cameras are on everyday. There there to view if you want to.

There doesn't seem to be any video up of Dave with the dog, which is a shame, as it sounded like he was more scared of it than Chris. If Aled doesn't end up having to do a challenge tomorrow, preferably one involving boobs, bugs, or boobs covered in bugs, then they'll have really missed a trick. He's the biggest screamer out of the lot of them (I can still remember his tortured screams during that Pot Noodle incident many moons ago), so you'd get the full effect of it on air with or without the added visual element.
bmstinton93 wrote:
JimLafleur wrote: (you really CANT mention any negative about the show in these forums)

Well, Travis Bickle is still here and we don't mind him so it proves that your wrong on that front.

Not sure why you have singled me out there. At least I give reasons for not liking something unlike some who just spout negatives without giving reasons. And I give out praise where it's due as well.
richbrown wrote:
Aled wrote:
Check out Radio 1's current tagline - Listen, watch, share. Bonus points to me.

Go Aled!

Aled, if Radio 1 are pushing this 'watch' tag line, can you at least ask them to stop using Flash video's? Us iPad users are pretty screwed with all these videos......
Aled wrote:Saying that however I agree Tuesday we didn't verbalise what was happening enough. The technical side and the sheer fact that genuine fear was being displayed meant that we were caught off guard to what we were seeing. Wednesday, the problem was the underwhelming task - our painting of pictures was much better. Today we got both right. Tomorrow it'll be the same.

In my opinion that's the bit to work on, not the concept, and not the feature.

Exactly, Hats off to the team, today was much better.

The biggest issue most people have had on here isn't the fear of a new feature, it's just the fear that the viewers were starting to take priority over the listeners.
The previous two days didn't make for a great listen to be honest, however today the balance was much better. I was listening in the car and this time I didn't feel like I was missing out. Whether that was down to Fearne remembering she was still on the radio and not presenting a TV show, or just that with it being Chris' turn today he played up to it and described his fear better I don't know. But it worked.

Pleased that Dom's challenge is leaving the confines of R1 HQ. It's almost like the suggestions on here have been taken on board. (I know it was planned weeks ago) But having the radio cliffhanger of 'be sure to listen tomorrow to find out if he goes through with it' is great. As a result I'm looking forward to it!
In hindsight a similar idea should have been done with Dave's. I think if on Tuesday it had been announced he was going caving or some other confined space exercise the chances of him genuinely being scared would have been much better.

This feature has scope to be continued in the future with the other Radio 1 DJs or even guests.
C-Kay wrote: Aled, if Radio 1 are pushing this 'watch' tag line, can you at least ask them to stop using Flash video's? Us iPad users are pretty screwed with all these videos......

The BBC are working on it, see here:

Also if you go the the Radio 1 wep app's video section they are on there.
It will however direct you to youtube but its a stopgap in the mean time until the BBC have html5 is up an running.
Last edited by ededwards on Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Also, just to add, would it not have been better to give all 4 of them 'easier' challenges on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then build up to a surprise of Chris, Dave, Dom and Tina doing the skydive today?

That would have made a better feature for me personally, with all 4 having the same big challenge, that way it would have been equal.
ededwards wrote:
C-Kay wrote: Aled, if Radio 1 are pushing this 'watch' tag line, can you at least ask them to stop using Flash video's? Us iPad users are pretty screwed with all these videos......

The BBC are working on it, see here:

Also if you go the the Radio 1 wep app's video section they are on there.
It will however direct you to youtube but its a stopgap in the mean time until the BBC have html5 is up an running.

Good to hear
C-Kay wrote:
ededwards wrote:
C-Kay wrote: Aled, if Radio 1 are pushing this 'watch' tag line, can you at least ask them to stop using Flash video's? Us iPad users are pretty screwed with all these videos......

The BBC are working on it, see here:

Also if you go the the Radio 1 wep app's video section they are on there.
It will however direct you to youtube but its a stopgap in the mean time until the BBC have html5 is up an running.

Good to hear

I only know this because I asked Radio 1's Sam Bailey the same question when I saw him a few months ago. He said he was expecting them to be able to live stream video to mobile devices within a year.
I would really have struggled with the dog thing big time. Today's was great, all 3 team members genuinely scared. 7:45-8 link was brilliant radio.

Doms challenge is incredibly hard and involving the kids is great blackmail.

Overall I like the feature, Daves box thing wasn't great but it didn't ruin everything.

As for the visualisation issue, I don't watch it. It doesn't bother me at all that they do it, it's a choice to watch or not if you can. The only time I've not liked it is the Sam/Matt mug giveaway which was only funny because the wrong place was given out.
For the first time this feature worked both visually and more importantly for the majority of us as a radio feature. It was night and day compared to the previous two days the slow build Aled talked about was positively glacial. I still have no idea what the vapid Fearne is doing there though?
Wykey wrote:
Ilovematt wrote:If you read my comment properly, I did not say she should be.. it was an example. Most were saying how 'brave' she was. I was pointing out that not in this case.

Are you scared of heights?

On a different note, a skydive is the best thing ever. I hate heights, so much so that going over the Dartford Bridge in my truck, I have to stay in either of the middle lanes, but after jumping out of the plane, i wanted to do it again straight away. I'll try and dig the video out
Travis Bickle wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:
JimLafleur wrote: (you really CANT mention any negative about the show in these forums)

Well, Travis Bickle is still here and we don't mind him so it proves that your wrong on that front.

Not sure why you have singled me out there. At least I give reasons for not liking something unlike some who just spout negatives without giving reasons. And I give out praise where it's due as well.

Oh yeah i know you do. I only mentioned you because of your mentions on the show
Wow. I have read this thread, and don't care if my opinions echo anyone else's at all. Or not.

I have only just caught up on all this, I can't listen to much of the show live at the moment and its taken a little while for me to get to listening to this. I thought it was a great idea when it was trailed last week. I thought it was a bit poor that it got postponed, but it couldn't be helped, and realistically it didn't affect me because I can't listen live to that part of the show anyway.

I thought Tuesday was a good start, Tina was asked to do something that anyone with a genuine pathological response to heights would find horrendously difficult. You'd have had to come up with a much better prize to get me to even consider it. I wish the audio could have been better though - it really only worked with the visual. Well done Tina, you're braver than I am.

Dave on Wednesday made me howl - I love Dave and this was Classic Vitty for me. Bless him, he tried so hard! As far as the feature was concerned, it didn't exactly do what it said on the tin, but I thought it was hilarious nonetheless.

Today - well, the only thing that could have improved it would have been if the attack dog was twice the size and ten times more vicious - those two are such a pair of wusses, it was inspired. As for Dom, well, perfect. Making the prize something his kids would love is absolute genius - please tell me it wasn't Fincham's idea or I'll have to completely revise my opinion of him!

Can't wait to hear tomorrow. Well played Al.
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