Emmy wrote:She almost scared me into making an appointment when she said it could well have been as a result of contact lenses. I use the monthly kind (although I sometimes go a bit over a month's use...) and order online because they're so much cheaper, which means I don't have to go to the opticians to get them and so I haven't gone at all for about four years now and have had no eye tests in that time. My eyesight could be ten times worse now, but like Dave was saying this morning I wouldn't have noticed because it's normal to me. I'd love to get laser surgery done on them, but I'm too much of a scaredy-cat!
Your eyes dont just enable you to see, they're a window into your soul.
Kind of, but they can show up early signs of diabetes, of high cholesterol, heart disease and all kinds.
1. You need to go at LEAST once a year to have your eyes checked.
2. You must NOT regularly wear your lenses for longer than they're intended.
3. You need to go at LEAST once a year to have your eyes checked.
4. When you're at the opticians, you need to look at the chart of bad things that'll happen if you don't.
You only get one pair of eyes, treat them with respect and take care of them.