kel wrote:hdsport82 wrote:Personally I would of preferred one of the rest of the team (except Freya) so the balance swifts away from having so many egos who have their own presenting career to advance. It just seems like there are too many voices wanting to be heard recently, which made Chris on his own last week so much more refreshing.
Comparing the current show to that of a few years ago, the show sounds very messy and busy on air. I'm shocked so few others have mentioned it. It used to be Chris and Dave as the focus points, and everyone else chipped in a little. It now seems like if anyone has anything to say at any moment, say it regardless of whether it's going anywhere or of any interest.
I get the impression Chris and Dave would write tonnes of stuff in the olden days. Now it seems that no longer happens and it's down to the grunts to write things. Where are the sketches recently, like Camp Cops or even Paul Turner adverts and other glory-days features? The funniest part of the show now for me is the interaction with Roy!
Excellent post, was thinking much the same earlier in the week. Unfortunately, it seems they all have a lot of work to do, so are forced into sharing the duties around. I guess it isn't 2003 anymore when Chris and Dave had nothing else to do apart from the radio show - nowadays they're always talking about being busy after the show finishes, Dave especially. The show should revolve around Chris and Dave as the main contributors, both vocally and in terms of pre-prepared content, anything else is just an weaker effort as far as I'm concerned, which isn't meant as a slur, I know everyone else on the team works hard, and have to contribute ideas and material as part of their job, and do their best. But Chris and Dave are the funniest people on the show, that's why they've lasted so long together. I know Dave still writes stuff for Roy regularly, but with Chris I get the impression that he just rocks up at 6.33, is perfectly happy to just speak off the cuff for 3 hours, hangs around for 10 minutes in the post-production meeting, give a thumbs up or down to ideas, suggestions, guests etc. then * off. The situation with the parodies is particularly unusual.
Maybe it's just pre-holiday blues, they will have done almost 4 months without a break, that's pretty good going. But I would like to hear more of Chris and Dave's work on the show when they come back. That's where the soul of the show is, and always has been.