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By Nicola_Red
My solution would be to sack off iTunes in favour of a program like MediaMonkey, as in my experience it does stupid shit like that all the time. That's why I hate it and will never buy another Apple product as long as they force you to use it. But some Apple users probably will have a solution assuming that you want to keep iTunes.
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By Bruvva
Nic's right, use mediamonkey. In fact, use ANYTHING other than itunes, nasty, horrendous bloatware that it is.
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By a-moron
^See the above post.^
Not complicated.
Why need in podcast folder?
Music folder in same place.
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By Nicola_Red
charlalottie wrote:Downloaded MediaMonkey to see if this would help. What's happened now is, it recognises that all but 17 of the podcasts I want to get onto my iPod are there but I can't transfer them to my iPod or anything as they just disappear when I try.

I'm getting very fed up of things being ridiculously complicated.

Right, let's try to unpick it. So you have podcasts that MM just doesn't recognise at all? Are these ones that are stored on your PC? Are they in the same folder as all the others?
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By chrysostom
Char wants them to appear in the 'podcasts' section of her mp3 player (if i've got this right?) - what mp3 player are you using?
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By Nicola_Red
Yeah, I'm trying to trace the problem back to the beginning, but not being an ipod user I'll probably fall at the last hurdle.
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By Nicola_Red
The tag is the bit when you right click on the track and click Properties and summary, innit?
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By Bruvva
Have you considered going back to basics and using one of these?

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By a-moron
Or who can forget the portable breville toastie maker/cd player.

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By Nicola_Red
When I bought my new Sony mp3 player I was pleased to find that they still brand them as 'Walkmans'.
By R94N
I think you can edit the year of the podcast but not the exact date. At least not through iTunes itself.