The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
neilt0 wrote:Image

Seeing that iTunes image with Chris' album on it, I thought I might finally be able to order his album. It isn't showing up in the US iTunes store. Previously I had gone to a couple of sites where his album could be pre ordered. I wasn't able to purchase it from over here. I am hoping after his album has been out a couple of weeks that it can be ordered from North America.
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By neilt0
BBQ wrote:Seeing that iTunes image with Chris' album on it, I thought I might finally be able to order his album. It isn't showing up in the US iTunes store. Previously I had gone to a couple of sites where his album could be pre ordered. I wasn't able to purchase it from over here. I am hoping after his album has been out a couple of weeks that it can be ordered from North America. ... B008NXVDPC
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By G-Sizzle
neilt0 wrote:I don't get it.

I bought both books, got tickets to JCS and the Live tour, but I'm not buying the parody albums.

The parodies on the radio are excellent, but they can't get the rights to any of the good songs, so most of the songs on the albums are pretty weak.

I agree with all of this. In guessing most of us the best ones on our iPods anyway, all thanks to!
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By slaphead1982
I like the albums' but I really wish that he'd made the decision (That's if he did'nt, He may just have got no permission for it) to put "Don't call me baldy" on it.
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By popmonkey
Am I alone in thinking that the amount of swearing is a bit OTT? I'm quite fine with swearing, but they stand out a lot and its a little jarring.
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By Latina
If there's a disproportional amount of swearing, then that puts me off a bit to be honest, given that I had hoped this album would at least in part serve to remind me of the show itself. Although if that's not its intention then fair enough - and anyway I will make a proper judgement when I've actually listened.

But then I always (perhaps wrongly) feel as though it comes across a little forced when swearing is overused, apparently for the sake of it, in a place where you wouldn't normally expect to find it. See also JK Rowling's new book...
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By James H
I'm listening to my copy now. I must admit, I expected "Too old for this" to stick more faithfully to "When I was a youngster" than it did, they're just speaking over the original beat.
By mrwurzal
Having just listened to the album... I agree the swearing seems a little OTT... It's like its a blow out for Moyles, an opportunity for him to say what he wants and almost a "F!ck the BBC" statement perhaps? That is just my humble opinion!
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By MadTheEddos
chrysostom wrote:Given the Adele parody on the Album cover, I can't believe that he didn't go with the title '24'

Maybe he's saving that for his next album.
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By Latina
If Adele and Moyles both stick to the schedules they've used so far, they'll be releasing '24' at the same time, will they not?...
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By neilt0
MadTheEddos wrote:Maybe they could collaborate. And Fake Adele could be on the album somewhere too.

She could be there just to provide additional * swearing.

Ramp up the swearing to be 75% of the lyrics for the third album.
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By James H
I don't really think there's *that* much swearing on here. I've heard a lot more on an album before, and I must admit after a shaky start with Too Old For This, the album is actually not too bad!
By hdsport82
mrwurzal wrote:Having just listened to the album... I agree the swearing seems a little OTT... It's like its a blow out for Moyles, an opportunity for him to say what he wants and almost a "F!ck the BBC" statement perhaps? That is just my humble opinion!

I'd say it's more that he's more free on this one to do what he wants. The Parody Album was a BBC Worldwide project with Sony Music whilst the new album is independent from the BBC through Universal (Mercury Records).
By mrwurzal
chrysostom wrote:Given the Adele parody on the Album cover, I can't believe that he didn't go with the title '24'

Chris creating the "Difficult Second" Branding and will go with it that will coincide with his books and other parody album... I think that that will be the last of the parodies now as Chris, until he starts his next "new" project will go off our radars until he can go into it head first again!
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By paulsendell
Ok, I am a huge Chris Moyles fan and I always have been so please don't automatically assume that I am one of the many Moyles dislikers out there for this, but this album is god awful.
And I mean absolutely god awful.

Infact, the only song that didn't make me cringe in complete disappointment was Track 5 (and a bit)

The Robbie Williams track was ok I suppose, but overall I personally rate this album at less than 1/10, and recommend you don't waste your hard earned money unless you see it in the bargain bin. It really is that bad.

Also, I noticed somebody comment that the swearing in this album was a bit of an issue, and I totally agree.
I am no Ned Flanders, I think swearing can be quite funny in moderation, but the amount of bad language in this album is a huge middle finger to the radio persona he has put out over the last decade.

This album makes his first album sound like Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.
But this is all just my personal opinion, of course.
By R94N
You can dislike it Paul, just because you are on here using the site doesn't mean you have to like absolutely everything Chris does.

The album is also now on Spotify too. I haven't listened to it yet.
By bmstinton93
paulsendell wrote:Ok, I am a huge Chris Moyles fan and I always have been so please don't automatically assume that I am one of the many Moyles dislikers out there for this, but this album is god awful.
And I mean absolutely god awful.

Infact, the only song that didn't make me cringe in complete disappointment was Track 5 (and a bit)

The Robbie Williams track was ok I suppose, but overall I personally rate this album at less than 1/10, and recommend you don't waste your hard earned money unless you see it in the bargain bin. It really is that bad.

Also, I noticed somebody comment that the swearing in this album was a bit of an issue, and I totally agree.
I am no Ned Flanders, I think swearing can be quite funny in moderation, but the amount of bad language in this album is a huge middle finger to the radio persona he has put out over the last decade.

This album makes his first album sound like Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.
But this is all just my personal opinion, of course.

Track 5 is your best song? That's by far the worst. This album is absolutely brilliant. It's just Chris having fun with some friends. And I've heard far more swearing on albums than this!
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By neilt0
I've heard it now. I listened to every track "actively" -- not as background music, I sat in my living room and piped it through my nice stereo.

It's absolutely awful. The music is weak, the parody writing is terrible (Dave did most of the radio parodies and I'm guessing he's not been used here at all), the celebrities are poorly used and the swearing is gratuitous.
I don't mind swearing, it's perfectly fine on an Eminen album (ask your parents) but the problem is that it has been shoe-horned in for no reason. It doesn't add anything by dropping "shit" and "*" in. It seems to have been done for shock value.

I did smile in a few places, and the Robbie track is very well made and the best of the bunch, but I honestly would not listen to any track again.

It's a real shame, as I do love the radio parodies. "No Hair", "Jose", "Lorry Driver", "Somerset Boy" etc. are excellent and I'll listen to them over and over again. I've even written a few parodies myself...

Chris is really proud of it and tweets about it every 3 seconds, but this album is garbage.
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By Yudster
Neil I think you should just open up a but more and let us all know what you REALLY think.
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By neilt0
Yudster wrote:Neil I think you should just open up a but more and let us all know what you REALLY think.

That's a bit rich from you. Take a look at your own post history, Judgy McJudgenstein!
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