Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Nicola_Red
My sister in law has had the baby, so I'm officially an auntie now. No name yet though.
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By Yudster
Yay and oh no. Hope everything works out Ben.
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By Bruvva

Heh. Just. Heh.
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By Yudster
Is she still alive?
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By Yudster
Its just she's been absent from the tabloids for a long while - she must have either got sane, or died. So obviously I assumed died.
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By The Deadly
She is so irrelevant in today's society but yet still has this army of fans who leap to her defence if she is attacked. I don't think I've ever been that obsessed with anyone to the point I trawl through twitter looking for posts about them.

Apart from Lottie.
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By Nicola_Red
One of my friends tweeted that he was watching a documentary about Dave Stewart (he didn't @ him in) and Dave Stewart replied asking what he thought of it. So Dave Stewart obviously trawls twitter looking for mentions of himself.
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By Nicola_Red
It is quite cool but also a bit sad in a way. A reply from Kat Von D is still my twitter pinnacle, but then I rarely tweet celebs really. We had a thread entirely dedicated to such victories a while ago...
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By The Deadly
I think my greatest Twitter victory is getting blocked by Frankie Boyle. That man seriously cannot handle confrontation even though he is probably the most offensive mainstream comedian we have in this country.
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By Yudster
The Deadly wrote:That's actually pretty cool.

The last celebrity to tweet me was Sky News weather girl Nazaneen Ghaffar.

Are you sure it was her and not her legal representative?
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By Bruvva
Discovering that the "off road" option on the Opera browser circumvents my ISPs block on and piratebay. No more twatting about with setting up proxies and the like - hurrah! This kinda takes me back to my previous moan about the government wanting to block off pr0n sites, see how easy it is to circumvent this shit?
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By Topher
The Deadly wrote:That's actually pretty cool.

The last celebrity to tweet me was Sky News weather girl Nazaneen Ghaffar.

I thought you said 'celebrity'?

Talking of people searching themselves on Twitter, I was not at all surprised to see that waste of human skin Kay Burley does it when she responded to someone I follow:

Tweet link.
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By Yudster
Primly Stable is brilliant. Kay Burley is a silly moo.
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By The Deadly
Yudster wrote:
The Deadly wrote:That's actually pretty cool.

The last celebrity to tweet me was Sky News weather girl Nazaneen Ghaffar.

Are you sure it was her and not her legal representative?

As much as I'd love to take her out for a continental breakfast she is like a sister to me so its purely friendship.
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