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Who thinks I'm bored?

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I'm bored :cry:
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By Aragorn
this is a very un-succesful poll
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By Adam
Funky Drummer wrote:shutup

who are you again? :roll:
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By Eddie
yeah, Funky has been around for ages and obviosuly posts a lot.
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By Adam
No, No, No - you miss my point. Who are you, to tell someone else to, "Shutup"?
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By Eddie
he has as much right as anyone else, and everyone has that right, it's down to the person it was directed at to either "Shut up" or ignore the comment.
By Dopey
These polls are getting to be quite annoying now ..
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By Nablo.
Then don't read them and just click the mark as read box. Simple.
By Dopey
Just noticed the flaw in the question,
Who thinks I'm bored.
then it says I'm bored
Stupid qusetion or what
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By Adam
In words of Sherlock Holmes.

"No sh-it, Sherlock"

A childish way of saying "obviously". Often prefaced with an emphatic, "Duh!"
By Dopey
Unlike most other users nobody has to guess why I chose this username.
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By Adam
no- i guessed you were tdopey when i saw your name. your not just acting thick?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Ad wrote:No, No, No - you miss my point. Who are you, to tell someone else to, "Shutup"?

i think mr dullard has earned his ability to tell people to shut up. he has been through the phases when you appear on the board.... hatred... apathy... toleration... acceptance... hes on his was to the next stage which is either valuable board member or pathetic idiot who just bores everyone.
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By Sidders
That's reasonably high praise from the dog, especially where Mr. Drummer is concerned.

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