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By Ickle Angel
Ok I need some ideas everyone. This is my dilema.

Going to a fancy dress party in a couple of weeks and the theme is superheroes and the only one that I can think of is wonderwoman or felicity s***well (dont know whether i really needed the stars hehe). There is also apparently a prize for the most revealing costume.

Any ideas?
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By Sam
Does Buffy the Vampire Slayer count?
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By Adam
Chris wrote:Catwoman.


go and rip your mum's best leather dress up and then start sewing it back together.
By Everlast
Go as the Hurricane. He is the best superhero
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
superted or bananaman.
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By Nablo.
Ok here's all the comic book female superhero's I can think of (sorry of some have been said)

Xmen: Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, Phoenix.
Spiderman: Black Cat, Spiderwomen.
Batman: Posion Ivy, Batgirl, Catwoman, Harley.
Daredevil: Electra
Fantastic Four: Invisble Women
Last edited by Nablo. on Thu Jan 23, 2003 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adam

Wonder Women?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
tut read first post you fool.
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By Adam
Yeah- I know she mentioned it in her post. I just didnt know what she looked like. Hence the "?"
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
you didnt know what she looked like!!! you really have had a poor life if you havent seen wonderwoman. she was played by a real woman too....... ah fond memories
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By Nablo.
'Lasto wrote:Go as the Hurricane. He is the best superhero

Well she would have to go as Mighty Molly
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By Sidders
Ickle Penguin wrote:There is also apparently a prize for the most revealing costume.

You could go as 'Nakedwoman'! Fighting for truth honesty and nakedness!

Send us the snaps....
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By Adam
no - she's about 14...
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By Uglybob
shes 23 btw
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By Adam
REALLY! Thats okay then. Yeah, by all means post the pics on the site. :D
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By Chief Erf
Ad, why is there a * stain on that mobile
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By Adam
Chief Erf - Its not my picture. The Marketing Bods at Phones4u who created it, will probably be able to answer that question.
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By Uglybob
sorry its that long since i spoke to her that shes now 24.
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By Chief Erf
tee hee c u m is censored as juice.
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By Jonny Hoare
hmm what about hermoine from harry potter
or invent your own super hero
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By Ickle Angel
I dont think my boyf would approve of me going as naked woman in front of all his mates. And yes bob is right i am 24. Ill take me camera and post the pics of what i go as :P
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By Nablo.
Any ideas yet?
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By Adam
Its worth a look at. Bob - Do you know what she looks like?
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