Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By DuncX
Seems the daily replay has been identified as unsuitable material and can no longer be downloaded over Vodaphone mobile.

Can't even stream it, you get the following.

Vodafone age-restricted content controls

To protect younger customers, we’ve restricted access to adult content on mobile devices.

To prove you’re over 18, please verify your identity with a credit card. No payment will be taken.

Log in to My Vodafone then choose your device in the grey drop-down within Services and extras
Scroll down and click Bars and Data Alerts, and within Bars you’ll see Age-restricted content bar
If you’ve verified your identity before, switch the toggle to Off and go to step 7. Otherwise, choose Remove Bar
Follow the steps to verify your age and enter credit card details. No payment will be taken
In the next screen, click the Bars and Data Alerts link, and within Bars you’ll see Age-restricted content bar
Switch the toggle to Off
Wait 10 minutes and restart the device

You should get immediate access to over-18s content – and a text saying the bar has been removed. Occasionally it may take up to 24 hours.
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