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Which do you prefere?

By Lew
only smarties have the answer

but i voted skittles.....
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By Sam
Hmmmm, tough call. It depends what mood I@m in, but over all I'd say skittles. They taste of the rainbow don't you know.
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By Sidders
Who's this newbie who shares my name?
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By Nablo.
ASG's little bro and the answer is Skittles as Smarties arn't even in the same league.
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By Sidders
Ah yes I remember him saying. In fact I've just spent about 15 minutes delving through the 'Ask Aled' thread trying to find where I'd read that.

Skittles are nicer because I don't go mad on chocolate.
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By Nablo.
I'm not to keen on the Sour skittles, I know people who eat them all the time and love them more than the normal ones but they don't do it for me.
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By kendra k
sour skittles aren't even that sour though.

i love skittles and miss the dearly (they have gelatin in them and therefore are not vegan. boooo!)

i was overjoyed to find skittles in a bottle shop when i was lost in st. john's wood. i felt like i wouldn't die either way.
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By Uglybob
kendra k wrote: when i was lost in st. john's wood. i felt like i wouldn't die either way.

i bet me and jonny have the same punchline
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By Mcqueen_
Simon-Peter Brandybuck wrote:Favourite sweets

Theres too many Poll options to choose my favourite sweets... :roll:
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By MK Chris
Good point, wheres chewits?
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By Nablo.
Aww but he's only little cut him some slack.
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By kendra k
how little are we talking? 2 foot tall?
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By Nablo.
Pretty much.
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By Uglybob
wheres m and m's?
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
crunchy m & ms are the best. i dont like skittles all that taste the rainbow crap seemed a blatent attempt to corner the junkie market...
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By Jacqui
I like Smarties better, but if we're talking Mint Skittles, then they win, hands down!
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i like chew sticks and brandy candy
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By rob
I chose Skittles because I don't eat chocolate...
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By Jacqui
Why do so many people not et chocolate?

I like Boosts and Crunchies!
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By Adam
Hedwig wrote:Why do so many people not et chocolate?

I like Boosts and Crunchies!

because they either don't like it or they can't eat it. simple

why can't i drink milk? mmm, im not sure....
By Lew
cherry drops would have to be good outside contenders for the sweets top spot

they are boss
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kendra k wrote:how little are we talking? 2 foot tall?
Why do you think he's got an avatar of a hobbit?
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By Jacqui
Adam wrote:
Hedwig wrote:Why do so many people not et chocolate?

I like Boosts and Crunchies!

because they either don't like it or they can't eat it. simple

why can't i drink milk? mmm, im not sure....

well its fair enough if you're allergic to dairy or whatever, but why dont people like it?
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By Nablo.
Why do they have to?
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