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What is your fave flavour of pizza?

meat feast
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By Jacqui
none of them, I like Ham and Pineapple!
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By Sam
Is that not Hawaiin?
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By Sidders
Yes it is! Duh!
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Pizza I have immense respect for!
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And of course beer!
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By kendra k
i can't eat pizza.

here's to retardation.
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Why can’t you eat pizza? You’re american! Sorry if I seem racist but in Blighty we’re led to believe that that’s all you guys eat!
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By Jacqui
Well, Im new to pizza, so i dont know what they're called!
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By Sam
Kendra = Vegan. I would guess thats why she doesn't eat it.
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You can can get ones suitable for vegan can't you?
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By Sidders
Not really because a pizza isn't a pizza without cheese :P
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By kendra k
actually, i had vegan pizza this week, and it's pretty good.
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By Chief Erf
My Favourite is Hawian, but i oddly voted for tropicana, Randommmmmmmm
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By Sidders
Tropicana is more or less the same as Hawian anyway, it just has added mushrooms.
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By MK Chris
Sidla wrote:Tropicana is more or less the same as Hawian anyway, it just has added mushrooms.

I don't like mushrooms much anyway, so Hawaiian it is.

I can't eat pizzas at the moment anyway, I can't swallow very well, more important than that I can't bloody drink for a while, 'cos I'm on anti-biotics :cry: , just found out I got pharyngitis (sp?). Bollocks.
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By Sam
Awww, get well soon! Whats pharyngitus, never heard of it? I had the joys of tonsilitus last week, just been left with a bit of a cold now though.
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By Sidders
Topher wrote:I can't eat pizzas at the moment anyway, I can't swallow very well, more important than that I can't bloody drink for a while, 'cos I'm on anti-biotics :cry: , just found out I got pharyngitis (sp?). nuts.

Are you sure you can't drink? I had a course of antibiotics a couple of weeks ago and it didn't say anything about not drinking on the label.
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By Adam
Sam wrote:Awww, get well soon! Whats pharyngitus, never heard of it? I had the joys of tonsilitus last week, just been left with a bit of a cold now though.

Its a sore throat....
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By MK Chris
Sam wrote:Awww, get well soon! Whats pharyngitus, never heard of it? I had the joys of tonsilitus last week, just been left with a bit of a cold now though.

Ta! The quack mentioned it was a bit like tonsilitis.
Sidla wrote:Are you sure you can't drink? I had a course of antibiotics a couple of weeks ago and it didn't say anything about not drinking on the label.

Hmm, I may have to check that. It definitely made me worse yesterday though, I was on the Charlie Wells brewery tour, I didn't have copious amounts of alcohol (although I was trying different beers) and I was ill last night, the first time since last christmas I think.
Adam wrote:Its a sore throat....

Its bloody not just a sore throat! I have not been able to eat all day 'cos the swallowing hurts so much. If I was a bloody hypochondriac who goes crying to the doctors every time something "might be" wrong, fine, but I think I've been about 5 times in my life.
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By Sidders
I don't go very often either. When I do go it's normally about my skin.
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