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I'm Most Bored of?

Jonny Hoare
No votes
about 6 months ago i could have predicted this now im not so sure. people seem to have lost their sense of humour lately. also im not including any newer board members an the ones i picked were the first in my head so if you arent there tough.
By Bridgie
actually im quite glad im not there, i dont think most people agree with what i say anyway
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
other than the votes for sam which i dont understand im thinking im not as out of touch as i thought.
By Bridgie
ive never seen what everyone has against eddie, because it all started before i came here but it looks like hes in the clear
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By Nablo.
Still time to go yet lads.
By Bridgie
yeah but ads well in the lead
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By MK Chris
I don't understand the Sam thing too. Also, I'm fairly pleased I wasn't there.
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By Sam
I'll get over the rejection, its probably cos of the fact I don't really add any humour to the board and everything last week aswell. Ah well. I'm actually honered I'm worth being one of the most prominate members and getting annoyed about, its only took me 2 3/4 years!
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By Gigglyboots
Ah I wouldn't get all bummed about it, two people, isn't very many on this board. So I'm not boring, thats just as well, lol.
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Why aren't I there?!
Last edited by ASG on Tue Feb 04, 2003 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adam

You'll be rid of me quiet soon if blair and bush decide to unleash their firepower on iraq.

just to spoil this, i voted for myself.

i may not be funny, but whats the point of trying when people are tired of you? things like this (like the moylesworld cull. oh, did i win that one as well?) just spoil it.

been here a while and racked up 3000 post of crap, but i think ive created some good threads. what more do you expect from people?
Last edited by Adam on Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By superwoman
so what is your opinion of war then do you think it will happen, we should all think positivly it might not happen,
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By Adam
charl wrote:so what is your opinion of war then do you think it will happen, we should all think positivly it might not happen,

With the recent build up of the US/British Armed Forces towards Iraq, there is high chance that a war against Iraq will happen. All you have to do is look at the news, not ask an officer. My opinion of the war is simple. If a country is posing threat to another country, then it has to be dealt with. Not that I will be killing anyone - more gathering of things and passing them on to people.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Adam wrote:Guys,

You'll be rid of me quiet soon if blair and bush decide to unleash their firepower on iraq.

just to spoil this, i voted for myself.

i may not be funny, but whats the point of trying when people are tired of you? things like this (like the moylesworld cull. oh, did i win that one as well?) just spoil it.

been here a while and racked up 3000 post of crap, but i think ive created some good threads. what more do you expect from people?

I am a part time SI Reserve Officer for the Royal Aux Air Force . so, give it a rest - because im not looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

i'm proud to be top, not ashamed

i think this post highlights why you are top. what are we spoiling? also i didnt know conscription was back otherwise stop moaning if you volunteered to be a reserve you have to expect to actually do something..
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By Adam
you've been a really tw@, lately...
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
just lately eh?
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i take it you 2 dont like each other very much
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By Adam
ZAQAZ_ wrote:i take it you 2 dont like each other very much

i thought i was alright with him, clearly not now
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
i dont particularly like or dislike anyone on here i'll just say whatever i feel like depending on my mood. ad was annoying at first then ok but now he seems to have lost his sense of humour...
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By Adam
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:i dont particularly like or dislike anyone on here i'll just say whatever i feel like depending on my mood. ad was annoying at first then ok but now he seems to have lost his sense of humour...

it will be back, just a tad worried about a few things at the moment.
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By Sidders
I like most people on here. I voted for Hoare not because I dislike him but because I think generally he posts just for the sake of posting. I'm surprised noone else voted for him actually. I don't get why people voted for Sam either. Maybe the people who did could explain...
I'm joint 5th most unpopular board member..... not bad I suppose.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
can i just make the point its not who you hate the most but who bores you..
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By Sam
I'm quite surprised how this turned out. I would have expected Jonny and Eddie to come out highest, and Kendra's votes have baffelled me aswell. Anyone brave enough to explain who they voted and why? For the record, I didn't vote anyone, no-one on the list has ever really bothered or bored me that much. Save possibly Jonny, but he tends to make up for it after a while.
Last edited by Sam on Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By Lew
i voted for stevo cos i just think he goes on and on and on and on and.......
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