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Which do you prefere?

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By Jacqui
Im only asking!

Im just a very nosy person, its in my genes!
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By Nablo.
Put a new pair on then.
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By Jacqui
erm, yeah, think I will!
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By Nablo.
Wasted :cry:
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By Mcqueen_
MoylesWorld Awards 2003 - Best post of the year...

ASGimli wrote:8O
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By Gigglyboots
Skittles, all fruity, I am sick of choccie.
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By Nablo.
WOW! 8O Female whoz sick of Choccie?
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By Gigglyboots
Shocking isn't it! I have had a choccie bar and a diet coke for about a hundred days running, Skittles are a refreshing change, and all the e colours, lol.
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By Nablo.
Your go back you won't resist the chocolaty goodness it has to offer for ever. :twisted:
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By Gigglyboots
I did...One of them White Chocolate Smartie Bars, they are irrestiable.
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By Nablo.
A whole box of them sit in front of the till at work, just open waiting to be eaten. Luckily I don't like white chocolate so thats half of the box waisted on me.
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By Jacqui
Nablo the White wrote:Wasted :cry:

Whaddya mean, wasted?

I got the joke!
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By Nablo.
Eh! alrite calm down calm down.
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By Jacqui
Hey, alright!

I cant help that im nosy!
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By Nablo.
Whats you being nosey got to do with anything?
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By Jacqui
erm, I told you yesterday, that i am nosy, its in my genes!

anyway, my fave sweets apart from the ones already mentioned are Fruit Gums!
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what about fruit pastels? i love jaffa cakes, they are the best i could eat boxes of em
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By Jacqui
oh yum, i love jaffa cakes, cant eat them in my boyfriends house, tho, his mums boyfriend is allergic to oranges!!!
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thats a shame, he doesnt know what hes missing out on. hao much do you love em? your favorite?
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By Nablo.
Nothing wrong with a nice box of Jaff
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By Adam
how many in the box? are we talking a big box or just a single packet of jaff
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By Nablo.
Well it's normaly would be one of those thin ones you get but If I could get my hands on any bigger boxes that would do nicely as well.
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By Sidders
I prefer Jaffa Cakes when they've gone stale and they're crunchy. Yum.
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By Sam
Nah, you have to bite off all the chocolate and biscity bits and be left with just the orange to eat.
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