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Which one?

A good way of getting rid of foxes
A bit of fun, they never catch anything anyway
A barbaric activity that could never be called a sport
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By MK Chris
Jonny's topic in General made me think of this, I know its not very topical, as it is a while since its been in the news but....
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
i have no problem with fox hunting its the enjoyment in the killing that i dont like.
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By Nablo.
It isn't as bad as people make out, mind you I know a few people who do it. I think they should really play a big fancy game of it with the fox once caught, it's his turn to chase them. Go down a treat.
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By Sam
Anyone who takes so much enjoyment out of killing or hurting something that can't defend itself should try it themselves, see how they like it. There is no resonable excuse for fox hunting.
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By MK Chris
I agree with Sam. There's a reason for those first two options being there instead of one "I agree with it" option.

There are two types of fox hunters, on one side they say that they don't kill anything, on the other they say that its the only way to get rid of foxes.

1. How can you have it both ways?
2. Its bloody not the only way of getting rid of them, its the most inhumane.

I heard an argument in the pub once that "all these city folk don't know what their on about, they never know what trouble all the pesky foxes cause." While I like to think of myself of someone who likes the city, there is no disguising that I have lived in a village for all but the first 5 years of my life and I can't see an argument for it.

Anyway, they look like a bunch of twats
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By Sam
Topher wrote:Anyway, they look like a bunch of twats

Thats cos they are.
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By Nablo.
Do you know any who do it?
By Bridgie
one of my mates girlfriends is pro fox hunting and it really pisses us off when she says its good so...

a little while back walking to a party shed be at we noticed a huge canvas banner for the countryside alliance pinned to a farmers fence (about 3 foot by 10 foot)

anyway we ripped it down and layed it out on the floor for her when she got there

she was less than impressed that we'd "torn down a government poster"

btw she actually goes fox hunting too, thats why we did it, not just cause she likes it
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By Sam
No, but I feel that anyone that could take such enjoyment out of doing something so cruel and merciless I wouldn't want to know. I could be wrong, they may not be twats, but what they do is most certainly twatish behaviour.
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By Nablo.
Just because they do it hardly makes them a hugely different person. I know people who do it and they are a laugh and friendly people. ASG would agree with me he went out with one
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By Sam
Ok, maybe I have no right to generalise and call them twats, fair play, I take that back. But you judge people by their attitudes, opinions and behaviour to decide whether you like them or not, and my opinion is that anyone who thinks that sort of action is fun doesn't have an attitude I like, and therefore not a person I would like in general.
By Bridgie
Sam wrote:No, but I feel that anyone that could take such enjoyment out of doing something so cruel and merciless I wouldn't want to know. I could be wrong, they may not be twats, but what they do is most certainly twatish behaviour.

from my experience of meeting them, they are
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
you know i do believe a lot of people are ignorant of even what the countryside is (i live in a smallish village but i am by no means "from the countryside"). Foxes are a bigger type of vermin and there is no ideal way of dealing with the problem but i dont see the enjoyment of chasing one down. the fact is that fox hunts are a social event a lot of people enjoy and they cant see a way of justifying continueing it if they cant have a kill at the end. thats whats so sad - their lack of imagination.

if they got drunk enough they'd see foxes everywhere. alternatively go with my 5th favourite saying - "LSD is often the answer"
By Bridgie

so gaspodes here telling people over the internet to take drugs,

its topical, ill give you that much
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By Jacqui
I know the foxes have to be got rid of, but not in the way they do, its the fact that they enjoy it that makes me sick!
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By magenta
Even if they shot the foxes the farmers would probably enjoy shooting them to an extent.
I don't know anything about it, anyone who has ever been or even what goes on really, so I tend not to form opinions when I don't know all of the facts, but just stay out of it because it's nothing to do with me - I've never been & I don't live in the countryside, so I'll leave it to the people who know what they're talking about to make their minds up. : )
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By Jacqui
If they shoot the foxes, not many of them would actually die, no one has that good an aim!
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By Sam
Isn't that worse though? It's the suffering I can't stand, I understand they have to be got rid of and shooting seems like a viable option as long as its quick and relativly painless. To shoot an animal and then leave it to die a lingering death is just as cruel.
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By Nablo.
Most farmers do check up after they have shot them to go finnish off the job.
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By Sidders
I live in the countryside and I think it's totally barbaric and inhumane.

Not really connected to hunting, but I saw a city fox the other week.
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By Jacqui
to tell you, i know i sounded a bit for fox hunting, but Im against it, I know that they are a pain for the farmers, but its not the point, the point is they shouldnt be suffering like that!
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Bridgie wrote:hmmmmmmmmmmmm,

so gaspodes here telling people over the internet to take drugs,

its topical, ill give you that much

i never said to take drugs at all. although in your case it may help..
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You forgot:

'A part of our heritage'.

I don't see the major problem.
By Lew
every time a fox is killed, rabbits are saved

who are we to take away innocent rabbits lives by banning fox hunting
think about it...........kill foxes
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Yeah, and stop the rabbit taking over the Earth! :roll:
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