Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Ickle Angel
Ok picture the scene. Ive been ill all day with a bad cold and my plan for tonight was to go to bed early and watch Sex and the City at 10 before going to sleep at a reasonable hour. But oh no Graham Norton is on at 10 which moves Sex and the City to 1030 which means that finishing at a reasonable hour has been ruined.

What i am trying to say is is there any need to have Graham Norton on every weekday? I mean i dont find him particularly funny anyway and he just annoys me when he used to be on once a week but now hes on every day it just seems silly.

Maybe i just need to get a life :P
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
you know i would agree with you but sex an the city is rubbish too.
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By magenta
I'm annoyed too because Sex & the City & Baddiel & Skinner are on AT THE SAME TIME! I can't decide which one I want to tape. How annoying is that?
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By Sam
Me thinks this is a bit of a girls problem, I have the same issue. S&TC against B&SU and either way I can't get to bed early, its a real arse. Don't worry ickle penguin, we can be sad together! :)
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
for the lads: they think its all over was on at the same time but you dont hear us whinging.
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