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Who is worse westlife or Atomic Kitten

Atomic Kitten
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Atomic Kitten
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Both as bad as each other
By Dopey
Don't mean to offend any fans But is westlife worse or Atomic Kitten :?:
Last edited by Dopey on Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By MK Chris
Clearly both of them sing shite songs, so its down to whether your gay or straight / bloke or bird...
By Dopey
oops forgot a both option. I'll put it on now!
By Dopey
Oh dear Its Broke!!
What did I Do? Can you help
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By MK Chris
Exactly, like I said, depends on your sex/ sexuality. FD, you are (I presume) a straight bloke. So you prefer Atomic Kitten.
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By Funky Drummer
Topher wrote:Exactly, like I said, depends on your sex/ sexuality. FD, you are (I presume) a straight bloke. So you prefer Atomic Kitten.

correct, and yeah, I'd agree with you on that one :)
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By Gigglyboots
But because I prefer Atomic Kitten, does that make me a lesbian?!
Westlife are awful, Atomic Kitten are not so awful. Not really my sorta music.
By Dopey
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By Funky Drummer
true.....but westlife are MORE awful

By Dopey
There are some sad lunatics that allow people like westlife, the cheeky girls, and atomic kitten. saying that the cheeky girls might not be that bad as they have only released one single.
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By magenta
Westlife are worse...
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By Sam
Westlife are the spawn of Satan, I prefer Atomic Kitten.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
im an official member of the liz from atomic kitten fan site. theres also this really good german one...
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I love both atomci wesltife and Kittens
By Lew
we're talking about atomic kitten and westlife not atomci wesltife and kittens

i never even heard of either of them

in all seriousness though, if you life both then there really is something wrong with you
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By Morals
Baby_Bore's stats wrote:Baby_Bear
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Joined: 23 Jan 2003
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Do they teach you English in your school?
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By Jacqui
erm, she takes english A level!
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By Nablo.
You would never tell.
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By Jacqui
No, not really, she thought that a Noun was a hair product for some strange reason!
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it is, i saw it on the internet
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By Gigglyboots
Moral of the story - Don't trust everything you read on the internet.
By Dopey
Its 'Working' Please dont vote for the second of either
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