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Show Recording a good Idea?

Yes it would be a great idea
NO If people want clips they should record it themselves
Good idea but we need a permanant storage area instead of reling on people's webspace
By Dopey
Does anyone think that this would be a good idea?
It would be of similar to the show reviews, With a different person doing it every day. So that the new sound clips (jingles etc.) can be placed on the sounds board for people that request them, as there are no regular recorders of the show anymore(or I don't notice any regulars) . People could do it on diferent days if they wanted.
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By Sam
Its a good idea but something similar was tried before and didn't work. If it was done properly though it would be worth it.
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By Sidders
It's a great idea, and I would be grateful for anyone who could get something organised. As I said on the sounds board, we don't have anyone who does it anymore.
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By Chris
dopey wrote:Good idea but we need a permanant storage area instead of reling on people's webspace

The sounds reside in the Sound Vault. In what way don't you see this as permanent?
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By Uglybob
dopey by name and dopey by nature Chris
By Dopey
What I ment was that a person may want a rant, or a mention, etc.
I'm sure that chris doesn't want to fill his webspace will files that will only be used once or twice. not only that cris would require to upload it for people to use.

Sorry if I sound like the sound vault is not permanent, Just there may be too many files for the server.
By Dopey
So far many people have voted FOR it. now does anyone want to volenteer?
I can do SOME recording (1 Hour at a time) , just it's poor quality, but I could record the show by VHS through sky.
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By Nablo.
If its going to be recorded in poor quality then it defeats the point, as if it's all awful and crap then who really wants to listen to it.
By Lew
what would work is someone with an ADSL (broadband) connection and a music player which records and converts the sound into mp3 format. i think winamp or realone player does that.

anyone who can do that?
By Dopey
On this point.
Nablo the White wrote:If its going to be recorded in poor quality then it defeats the point, as if it's all awful and crap then who really wants to listen to it.

I think that I can get it to work if I use a different player. I'll test it.
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By Stephen.
Well as I've said if I can get that two-way jack I will try and set-up my radio to come on at 2:55 ish and get my Cool Edit to record automatically till the end of the show but I don't really want to be a regular as I may not be reliable. If anyone requests a clip and I have it then I would be more than happy to up-load it!
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By Stephen.
Ok I have got my hands on that two-way jack and I am all plugged in recording the show as we speak :D I will record when I can and I'll be happy to send in/host any clips. I should be able to record the whole show on Tuesdays & Fridays and then from about 4:15 on other days. So if you ever want anything then PM me or ask in the sounds forum to see if I have it.
By Lew
although i never request clips myself i believe you done well there steve

good work weeman
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Nablo the White wrote:If its going to be recorded in poor quality then it defeats the point, as if it's all awful and crap then who really wants to listen to it.
Me, who doesn't always here it when it's on!
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By Nablo.
Then find a radio and listen to it then.
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By Gigglyboots
Oh come on...for some people its work/school/education, at the moment I can't listen as often I have to sit and revise for hours. And then if its a good show of course you want to listen too it.

By Dopey
Same here I can only listen AFTER 4pm and I don't mind listening to poor quality clips of my own.
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