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The Award for Best BRIT Breakthru Artist is ...

Liberty X
The Streets
Ms Dynamite
The Coral
Will Young
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
of them i say ms dynamite because i have no real preference an shes had a couple of good songs an shes intelligent an fit. an sadly (for us dreamers) pregnant...
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By Sidders
It's got to be the Streets, because they're the only one that's really pushed new boundaries, which is what 'breakthrough' should mean.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
new boundaries of sh*tness???

Gaspode The "forget i said this i cant be arsed with the streets argument again" Wonder Dog
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By Sidders
As I always say in these situations,

Each to their own.
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By MK Chris
I agree with Sidla on this, Streets it has to be, followed by (if there was a second place in the brits) The Coral.
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By Uglybob
btw, Sidla said the exact same thing as Sara Cox said on the trail, has he been brainwashing.
I think the Coral shouldnt be on it. They have had 1 hit. Lemon Jelly should have been on it, granted theyve been around for 3 years but its now "Breakthru" and not "newcomer".
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By Sidders
Darn, I knew I heard that somewhere.

This is about the only occasion that I agree with her though.

The Coral are superb though, 'Dreaming of You' is fantastic.
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By Adam
And then winner is

The Streets
By Lew
why isnt there a 'none of them because all the groups and the brits are utter bilge' option?
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By Gigglyboots
I'm for The Coral, beautiful song, compared to the Streets..I better not get started, I know its a love hate kinda thang with them.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
i was watching one of them brit preview shows today (beverley knight ahhhhh) an i think it was stuart maconie made an interesting comment "if urban music is so popular why does it have its own category?"
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By Uglybob
is it me or has Stuart Maconie turned obese
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
yeah but its either him or paul gambowotsit to choose from.
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I don't know who they are...I'm glad Ms. D's not looking hopeful, I hate her!
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By Jacqui
i kinda like Will Young! He's quite a talented singer, and Evergreen, even though it originally started off as a Westlife album track, is an excellent song when sung by mr Young!
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I voted for Will Young on Pop Idol, and I voted for him on this! I’m not afraid to come out and say that I love Will Young!
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By Jacqui
Will young has a lot of talent, loads more than that bloody stuttering little freak that is Gareth Gates, he really p!sses me off!
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By Nablo.
Plus Will and Moyles together are always fun when he comes on the show :)
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By Jacqui
yup, thats true!
did moyles vote for will on Pop Idol? I cant remember if he's told us that before or not! I hope he did, will is sooooo much better that any of the others on it, but I must admit, I did quite like Darius when he was on Pop Idol, much better than his Popstars stint, that was embarrasing, that was!
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By Sidders
I do like Will Young actually, but can you really describe him as a 'breakthrough' artist?
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No, in a word.
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Am I just thick not knowing that Sir Ian McKellen is gay?
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By Sam
If you are then I must be really thick as I don't know who Ian Mckellen is! :oops:
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