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Who do you like the most?

Jonny Hoare
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By MK Chris
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:changing clubs only makes it ten times worse

That's the worse thing you can ever do, I know a few people who have changed clubs.
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By Stevo_trash
i suppose all this bollocks depends on what criteria you base your favourite poster upon.

Personally, i don't vote for 'nice' people as I know plenty of nice people in real life. If i go onto this site, i'm after controversial and heavily laden banter posts.

All i shall say is this, the hoares, the stevo's and the everlasts add a lot of dynamism to the board. Without people like us the board would be full of sarcasism, dominated by the middle of the road, un-opinionated no marks.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Stevo wrote:All i shall say is this, the hoares, the stevo's and the everlasts add a lot of dynamism to the board. Without people like us the board would be full of sarcasism, dominated by the middle of the road, un-opinionated no marks.

curses to all this sarcasism eh? i would say i disagree with you but im not sure....
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By Gigglyboots
I have to say, I agree with Stevo. If we were all nice...that would be narky and strange. Saying that we do have sarcastic people on the board, but in a funny way, not that nicey way in which you don't know if they are with the fairies or having a laugh.

Ah well at least I didn't even make the shortlist for boringest member, but I am hardly exciting.
By Everlast
Lewis wrote:you'd be right there

Yeah right Hitler
By Everlast
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:
Lewis wrote:schoolboy error there gaspode

you left it right open for a comeback like that

i freely admit im a miserable sod but i've never made any sort of error with a schoolboy

It wasn't an error, you knew exactly what you were doing
By Lew
Everlast wrote:
Lewis wrote:you'd be right there

Yeah right Hitler

who are you then? Winston bloody churchill?
By Everlast
No sir i wasn't calling you Hitler, i was using Hitler in comparuison to you level of popularity. What is it Just over 2 months and 640 odd posts, each one just as pointless as the others.
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By Stevo_trash
i'd like to thank those who voted me second most annoying person as well as most popular board member. Obviously there are far more heavy drinkers on the board then i first thought...
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
that could be true maybe they thought they were seeing double an were actually voting for you on the bored one again.
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By a_girl_from_mars
magenta wrote:I'm never on these lists :(

Yeah I feel the same....but I suppose none of the 'newbies' on here know me.
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By a_girl_from_mars
ok so the list was done by Gaspode...and he's not ignore what I just said apart from the 'I feel the same bit'
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
you werent on my list because i didnt really think people would vote for you. as it happens nobody voted for me or bob either...
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By Nablo.
2 people have voted you both.
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By Uglybob
and funnily enough i didnt vote for myself which im sure at least one person has done. i voted for sam as shes a shiela.
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By Sidders
What's a shiela?
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By Nablo.
Don't you know you great galla
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By Eddie
A Sheila is a woman! It's an australian slang term, hence the "Gala" bit in Nablo's post above!! (And just incase you didn't know, Gala is Australian slang too)
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By Adam
its also slang for something else... ;)
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By MK Chris
Eddie wrote:(And just incase you didn't know, Gala is Australian slang too)

Isn't it some kind of bird? So, same difference, really...
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Nablo the White wrote:2 people have voted you both.

cue nablo the terminally thick. i said my list as in the one on the most bored of thread...
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By Nablo.
Well sorry but if you didn't state it clearly then how was I spose to know plus I'm not dying nor am I at the end of something but yes I maybe thick on this account.
By Everlast
Eddie wrote:A Sheila is a woman! It's an australian slang term, hence the "Gala" bit in Nablo's post above!! (And just incase you didn't know, Gala is Australian slang too)

Is Bitch or Ho an Australian term, also what about pro or sket
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Have you never watched Croc Dundee?! :roll:
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]