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When one loses a friend, would it be better if they...

Turn against you
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My little brother asked me this last night...
By Bridgie
thinking about them as they are your friends now, i dont think you could ever wish them to die
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By superwoman
true, tony.

but if they are your friends they know every last incriminatioting thing youve said or done and known all of your embarrassin crushes.
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By kendra k
if they don't die, there's always the chance for reconcilliation, no matter how slight.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
ah sod em anyone turns against me i hope they die. in fact if im in a good mood i might help them...
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That kinda sick!
By ¤© Geordie_Bo¥ ©¤
Yea but true. They dont deserve to live if they turn against you
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By Hypeymikey!
ok that is very wierd
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